:::Afterdeath::: Comfort -- (Fluff)

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A/N: This is just another short Afterdeath bit I had from like February, based on some random idea I had. It maybe a bit suggestive but I still labeled it fluff.
Again, sorry for lack of update. I've kinda been writing some stuff for other books but just been figuratively brain-dead. I'll be getting some stuff out soon.

No one's POV::

Finally Reaper found his quota completed and he breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of a blank page in front of him. Closing the book, he thankfully opened a portal home after apparently days that have been drawn out by his work. He hated having to be away from Geno, and he knew Geno wasn't that fond of the reminiscence of being alone, even if he wouldn't often admit it. Reaper stepped through his portal, already relieved at the site of their house in the midst of the void.

Walking into house, he heard a familiar clatter in the kitchen, easily following the noise after despawning his scythe. He saw his husband distracted at the stove, seemingly not noticing him coming home; this gave Reaper the perfect set up to surprise the other, whether he'd appreciate it or not. As Reaper hastily wrapped his arms around Geno's waist, he felt the smaller tense up, almost about ready to attack someone.

"Fuckin- Reaper!" Geno's breath ended up quickening at the initial shock, but he composed himself quickly, continuing his previous task at the stove to assure the food didn't burn. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" He spoke through his gritted teeth, clearly trying to restrain his annoyance for the sake of his assumingly tired husband.

"How ever many times you want, love," Reaper buried his face in the crook of the smaller's neck against his scarf, feeling his energy waning, glad to see Geno remain passive at the genial affection; it was a given Geno missed the loving touch of his husband as much as it was vis verse. Geno could tell though, that Reaper was already exhausted, causing him to sigh at his partner's lack of self attention.

"You should get some sleep, hun. You look tired," He used one of his hands to cup the side of Reaper's skull, gently rubbing his thumb in slow circles, that inadvertently lulled the taller further into his tiredness.

"Not without you babe. I was even hoping to use you as my pillow if I'm lucky," Geno rolled his eyelight at the god's underlying lewd implication, but he still turned around and looked up at his husband, seeing just how tired he appeared, sighing.

"Fine but just this once," Reaper took this given opportunity to hoist Geno up, wrapping his arms around his thighs tightly. The smaller hastily wrapped his arms around Reaper's neck to keep from falling, using his magic to turn the stove off that he foolishly left on before. The god didn't spare any time to move to the other room, placing Geno on the couch and crawling over him. He tiredly nuzzled against the smaller's neck, a hand rubbing at the side of his ribs lightly, insinuating to Geno what he wanted. With a begrudging groan, Geno huffed and summoned a full female form, yelping quietly when he felt Reaper shift to bury his face in his tits.

The taller remained still, aside from the occasional light kisses he left on Geno's clothed chest, finding himself growing more tired, humming as he turned his head to the side. "Do you have any intentions of moving?" Geno questioned calmly, not finding it worth protesting against. Reaper shook his head faintly, admittedly already half asleep, clearly showing no intention of affirming the question. Geno was about to speak again but figured it would be pointless, not really having the heart to wake his husband up again. He lightly pet the back of his skull, hearing him hum softly at the touch, bringing a faint smile to Geno's 'lips'; Reaper actually seemed calm and genuine like this, aside from the given position he was in over Geno. With another sigh, Geno found himself drifting off as well, his socket falling shut into a peaceful sleep accompanied by his husband.

Sanscest One-shots (Fluff/Smut) :::Requests:::CLOSEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin