:::Afterdeath::: Sleep and Roses (Fluff)

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A/N: So I finally finished that Valentine's day thing only... two weeks late and Yes: it's Afterdeath. Everyone, withhold your gasps of surprise.

This idea kinda came to me when I realized that if Goth's birthday was early February then, then there would be a V-day that is celebrated when Goth is still a new born. So with that being said, have a tired mama Geno trying to be endearing for Reaper.

"Angel?" Geno shifted briefly in bed, barely finding the strength to open his sockets at the soft call from his husband. "Think you can at least open your eyes, hun?" With a discomforting groan, Geno finally mustered the energy to do so, glancing over at Reaper who had taken a seat on the side of the bed: His expression settling half way between spite and curiosity. The god couldn't help but chuckle mutely at his partner's tired demeanor, gently brushing Geno's cheek with a gloved hand. "Happy Valentine's day, sweetheart," His other hand maneuvered from its partially concealed spot behind him, presenting a small bundle of white and red roses.

Geno seemed to still be processing the words alongside the bouquet for a few moments too long, before he finally let off a tired laugh. He took the bouquet from the god as he sat up in bed, pulling the flowers close to him, noting they were actually real with the soft feel of the petals against his cheek.

"Surprised to see them so lively,"

"I tried to be careful for once, you deserve at least that," Reaper showed his gloved hands as proof of the precautions he took handling the live bouquet, "I figured even a small romantic gesture would be welcome right now, love," With a smile, Geno playfully rolled his eyelight, scoffing lightly at the comment.

"I couldn't feel any less romantic than I do now," Taking off his gloves, Reaper cupped the side of his partner's face, noting the tiredness etched in his features.

"That's not true, angel, you're emitting so much-"

"Crippling postpartum exhaustion?" Geno concluded bluntly, still wearing a tired smile at the attempt of flattery from his husband. Reaper spared a chuckle as he leaned in to rest his forehead against Geno's.

"I was gonna say a maternal glow, but that works I suppose," Geno appreciated the light hearted tease, closing his sockets as he hummed in agreement, "You're still beautiful, sweetheart," The god added in a quieter, more endearing, tone.

"Thanks, appreciate the reminder when I have a screaming infant taking up eighty percent of my day," While Geno commented in a mostly joking manner, the taller still felt a sting of guilt get to him from the implication.

"Sorry I can't be around more, hun, I know you could really use the help," The smaller opened his sockets again from his husband's apologetic words, still smiling as he placed a hand on top of the one already cradling his cheek.

"It's fine, I know you can't really get out of your work that easily. As much as I'd like you too, I don't want to be the one to single handedly piss off all the other gods,"

"I do that just fine on my own already," The two indulge in a shared laugh together before everything turns quiet again. The god was quick to notice his husband succumbing to his leeching tiredness with an arm still cupping the roses. He drew away a bit and set the bouquet beside the bed, not too concerned now with withering them due to the nature of the save screen essentially nulling his powers. "You could probably use some sleep, hun,"

"Easier said than done," Geno pulled his legs up to his chest to lean the side of his skull against his knees, looking at his husband tiredly as he sat on the side of the bed again.

"I suppose so, has Goth been giving you that much trouble?"

"Honestly, about as much as you'd expect a baby to give,"

"He's not just a silent angel that's miraculously well behaved all the time?" Reaper teased briefly.

"I'd be more worried if he was," Geno added with mumbled words, his eyes closing again as he drifted off again midconversation, stirring slightly from the gentle pat on his head from Reaper.

"Get some sleep, hun. I'll take care of everything," Geno mustered the energy to open his sockets again, smiling lovingly at his husband at the offer.

"Now that is by far the best valentine's present you've offered me so far," The smaller leans in towards his husband, almost closing the gap until Reaper spoke up again.

"Me taking care of the baby or you getting some sleep?" An exhaled chuckle left Geno as he leaned forward a bit more.

"Both," The two shared a tender kiss, and Geno felt his strength dwindle more as he drew away from it, leaning his head against Reaper's shoulder.

"Maybe you could use a bit of taking care of too, angel," Reaper gently ran his hand along Geno's back in a comforting manner, only slightly implying something more intimate with his words.

"If I had any amount of energy left, I'd take you up on that," Slowly, Reaper guided Geno back onto the bed to lay down, partially hovering over him.

"I'm certainly patient," Reaper kissed Geno again, being met with tired reciprocation, trailing a few soft kisses to Geno jaw, and was likely to continue this gentle minitration if it weren't for the sudden, almost startling sound of a baby crying, "Of course now of all times..." Reaper muttered against the smaller's neck, pulling himself up and off the bed to walk to the crib in their room. He picked up the distressed infant with a slight lack of confidence, still getting used to the concept that he is partially responsible for such a precious little thing. Trying his best to comfort his son, he walked back to the bed to take a seat, relieved to see the cries settle as Goth's little hand wrapped itself into the fabric of Reaper's black cloak, pulling it towards his mouth to vainly gnaw on it.

"Of course, you're just a quiet little angel for your father,"

"Aww have you been tormenting your mother?" Reaper spoke playfully, seeing Goth's one bright eyelight look up at him innocently.

"Yes..." Geno added tiredly, although Reaper kept his focus on his son, trying to pull the fabric from the baby's mouth, and felt his finger being tugged on as he did so, of which Goth attempted to bite instead.

"I think Goth is trying to eat me,"

"He's been doing that with anything he can get his hands on. He's probably a bit hungry though,"

"Should I be passing him off to you then?"

"I fed him a bit ago, 's a bit too early, better to keep him on a schedule, also gives me time to take a nap to actually have the energy to feed him," Geno rambled a bit in his exhausted state although was still clear enough to be coherent.

"Fair enough," As things settled into a comfortable silence, Reaper moved to the other side of the bed to lay down, letting Goth lay on his chest as he noticed him doze off in his arms.

"'s nice seeing you with Goth," Geno glanced over at his husband, smiling sweetly at the view.

"Ssh, get some sleep, angel," The smaller hardly needed the reminder as he finally succumbed to his tiredness, leaving Reaper to muse at him, gently dragging a finger over Geno's cheek. He brought his attention back to the sleeping baby nestled comfortably in the loose fabric of his cloak, blissfully silent contrary to before.

The sight settled an overwhelming happiness in his soul, having his beloved family so close. He found himself laughing to himself at a sudden thought; how Goth is likely the most endearing and precious present that could be had for Valentine's day.

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