:::AfterDeath::: Are we ready? (Fluff/Lemon)

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Geno's POV::

I looked down at my hand, the golden ring gave off a slight glisten. I smile contently, and sighed. I've wanted to ask Reaper the question for a while, I just don't know if we're truly ready. -This time...- I realized this isn't going to be as easy as I hoped. I continued to sit on the couch, staring at the clock, waiting, thinking over how I'll bring the subject up to my husband. The ticking of the clock echoed in the empty house, our house. It made time stretch on but my thoughts kept me busy enough that I didn't seem to notice. A click at the door jolted me back to reality, as Reaper walked through, looking as tired as he always does after work. Noticing me on the couch, he weakly smiled my way. I stood up strided over to the door, greeting my husband with a peck on the cheek.

"How was work, hun?" I spoke up breaking the silence.

"Eh, tiring, but what else is new," He pulled his cloak off, hanging it on a wall hook, now only in a black tee and shorts. Reaper turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "How was my little waifu without me, hmm?" I blushed at the name, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Don't call me that and fine... I guess," I looked to see a smirk plastered in Reaper's face. He leaned in and nuzzled the side of my skull.

"Aww, but it's true, you have a ring to prove it," He insisted, giving small kisses down my jaw, coiling his hand with mine. He planted a small kiss along the band on my finger and smirked at me, leaning in the kiss my jaw again. I puffed up frustratingly but don't hate the attention. Reaper ceased his kissing almost making me inaudibly whine for more. "Something smells amazing, you made dinner?"

"Oh, yea, I did. I figured you might be a bit hungry," Reaper smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Thanks, babe," We both made our way over the kitchen, and Reaper slumped into one of the chairs at the table, giving a long tired sigh. I dished a plate of food for him, setting it in front of him. As he began to eat, I took a seat across from him.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I lightly shook my head.

"I already ate, it's fine," There was an awkward silence that settled between us. My mind went back to the question, nagging at me.

"Geno?" I looked back at Reaper, his eyes riddles with concern.


"What's wrong? You seem distracted," I'm just aching to bring up the subject, yet terrified. -Now or never-

"Reap, I've been meaning to ask..." Reaper's interest seemed to be piqued, hearing this. "What would you think about h-having kids?" I stuttered towards the end, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. Reaper seemed a bit stunned at the sudden question.

"I mean... I'd like to have kids eventually but..."

"You're not ready?" I finished for him.

"That's up to you, Gen," I hesitated in my answer before responding.

"I... I want to try... " I finally force the words out of my throat, just awaiting a denying response from my husband. There was a long pause that was killing me from the inside.

"Gen, I-"

"No it's fine, I get it. I'm going too fast, I... just-" I realize that I've started to cry as my tears fall onto my shaking hands, still gripping the edge of my shirt. "...Just forget it, forget I said anything," I stand up and walk past Reaper towards the door, but was stopped by a tug at my wrist. "Reap?" I turned to face him, sniffling as I tried to stop the flow of tears. Reaper pulled me into his chest, gently petting my head to calm me.

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