:::Dreamare::: Not Quite the Norm--Human!Dream x Human!Female!Nightmare

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A/N: Holy shit, I don't know why, but this one was a struggle for a long time, but it is finally  done and now I have to go make dinner and finish my school work, and other things that I've been putting off today so I could finish this.

So, since your request was so vague, I kinda went all out with the characters and what not, letting my creative liberty go haywire.

In this, Dream and Nightmare are long time friends and college roommates, living off campus in a nearby apartment. Also my rendition of human Dream and Nightmare, both have black hair to kinda keep the whole twin idea even if they're not related in this one.

Also, I know this was requested a really long time ago, so sorry it took so long, but I did promise I'd write every request I got. I only have 2 more from 1.0 of this book and 13 from 2.0. I'm hoping to at least get the next two done by the end of the month.


Dream's POV::

A loud resonating beep rang out from my room as I slammed my hand on the alarm clock. After a few minutes I give in and roll over to look at the clock with a slight glare: 7:33 am was dully printed on the digital display. I sat up and swung my legs onto the floor, shuffling over to the bathroom, running my fingers through my hair. I turned the lights on and leaned my hands against the counter, looking unenthusiastically at my tired face: my black hair messy and ruffled up from sleep, my typically vibrant gold eyes now duller -That's what I get for working late on homework- I sighed, deciding against actually doing anything in the bathroom and walk down the hall to the room next to mine, knocking on it. A displease groan was faintly heard, thus signalling me of resistance. I opened the door initially noticing the curtains drawn closed, hiding the sunlight from the room. I also took notice to a few empty beer bottles on the floor, clinking against the door as it swung open quietly. I turned to the bed seeing Nightmare face down, in shorts and a loose camisole, probably hungover and likely not wanting to be alive right now. I walk in and opened the curtains, the room immediately flooding with light ensuing another loud groan from Night.

"Night, get up," She growled at me lowly, turning her head to glare at me, much like I did to my alarm clock, although it is seemingly fitting. "Come on you have a class soon," She rolls over lying on her back, groaning in discomfort again.

"Ugh, I feel like shit," I knelt down to pick up the empty bottles, holding them under my arm.

"Maybe if you weren't drinking late last night-" Night sat up, giving me an unenthused look with her vivid purple eyes, her heavy black, subtly violet toned, curles, now matted down from wear, framed her face haphazardly.

"At least I know how to have fun," She slurred tiredly.

"Drinking alone in your room isn't fun Night, it's depressing,"

"What do you know? You're just studying all the time... like the perfect little student you are," She slowly turned to be sitting on the edge of the bed, tying her hair back into a sloppy ponytail with a hair tie she kept on her wrist, a red ring was faintly seen on her wrist from the tie's binding elasticity.

"Yea most normal college students study, cause they actually want good grade," I start heading out the door, careful not to drop the glass bottles.

"I have good grades, I'm just too lazy to bother with studying," She fell back onto the bed, a muffled thud came from the mattress; I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the room. "Dream, be a dear and put some hot water on for coffee," I tossed the bottles into the recycling bin near the door of the apartment before answering.

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