:::Poth::: Totally didn't forget Palette's Birthday three weeks ago(Fluff)

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A/N: Titles are overrated anyway.

So, you ever just write and actually forget how people talk? Yea, so this happened.

Just something short because the sunshine child himself deserves at least a little celebration, albeit late. Also, damn I'm such a sucker for these two just being a wholesome and cute couple. Enjoy~

Goth waited the few seconds anxiously after knocking on the door, partially hoping it wouldn’t be Palette to answer. He found himself holding his breath once the door opened, relieved once he saw Dream.

“Oh hi Goth,”

“Um hi Mr. Dream, is Palette home?” Goth spoke hesitantly, trying his best not to avert his eyes from the other out of nervous habit. 

“Yea, he’s upstairs drawing, didn’t know he was expecting you over,” Goth felt embarrassment flush his cheeks, feeling as though it was rude of him to show up unannounced. 

“He’s not, I wanted to surprise him for his birthday. I was just busy with work earlier…” Goth motioned to a small food container in hand with what appeared to be a single cupcake inside.

“Oh of course, come on in! I’m sure he’ll be thrilled,” Dream smiled brightly, stepping aside to invite the younger skeleton in. 

“Thank you,” The timid reply was all Goth could manage, now feeling bad for his prospective request, “Could I uh barrow a plate?” Goth turned to the parent hesitantly, hearing a faint chuckle followed by a kindly delivered affirmation. 

“Of course, follow me,” Goth followed behind Dream into the kitchen, waiting by the doorway as Dream retrieved a small dessert plate and handed it to the young reaper, hearing another quiet ‘thank you’ as he walked over to the nearby table to set his ‘surprise’ up. He opened the container to pull a mint green frosted cupcake out, decorated with golden star shaped sprinkles. There was a single candle placed in the container as well that Goth stuck into the center of the cupcake, pulling a lighter out of his pocket to light it quickly. 

“It’s okay if I leave this here right?” Goth pointed at the empty container, not wanting to come off rude to the parent. 

“Yes, now go ahead,” Dream smiled reassuringly, ushering Goth out of the kitchen once he picked up the plate. Goth nodded as he made his way to Palette’s room, giving the door a firm knock, hearing a faint ‘come in’  from the other side to prompt Goth to do so. Goth poked his head in first before moving into the room entirely, noticing Palette was completely focused on his sketchbook at his desk, not even sparing a glance towards the door. With a light smile, Goth walked over to where Palette sat, leaning down a bit in hopes of getting his attention, being mindful of the candle flame. The motion seemed to steal Palette’s attention away from his art, initially seeming surprised at seeing the other beside him. 

“Oh Goth! When d’you get here?” Goth moved the plate behind him a bit to hide it from Palette, hoping to prolong the surprise a bit.

“Just a bit ago. I wanted to give you something, stand up,” Goth motioned up with his available hand, watching as Palette did so albeit confused by the instruction, “Close your eyes,” Goth held back a snicker, pleased to see Palette comply without question. Once Goth confirmed Palette couldn’t see anything, he leaned in, having to rise up onto his toes in order to leave a faint kiss on the taller’s ‘lips’. It lasted only a moment before Goth instructed him to open his eyes again with the dessert now being presented to Palette. “Happy Birthday, Palette!” Goth smiled brightly, a soft purple lingering on his face. 

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