:::AfterDeath::: Happy Anniversary (Fluff)

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No one's POV::

Another dark, void filled 'day'. Geno sat there, losing himself to his thoughts, not even noticing a dark cloaked figure floating behind him.

"Hey Gen~" His usually flirty voice caused Geno to jumped, snapping him back to reality.

"...Oh? Hey Reaper..." Geno's voice seemed distracted, piquing the Death god's interest.

"Hmm?" Reaper took a spot next to Geno, leaning in, seemingly analyzing his expression. Geno turned to Reaper's face, being only a few inches away. A soft blue dusted his cheeks.

"What...?" Geno questioned at Reaper's change in demeanor.

"What's wrong?" Reaper asked bluntly.

"Hmm? What makes you think something is wrong," Geno dodged around the question, playing it off for nothing.

"You're never this distracted unless you're thinking of something important," Death's deepened, turning more serious.

"I-it's nothing..." His voice shaked as Death pressed on.

"Geno," Death placed a hand along Geno's jaw, gently guiding Geno's head to face his own. He noticed tears lightly prick the corners of his lover's eyes and rubbed his thumb over the edge of the socket to wipe them away.

"It's not important..." Geno averted his gaze from Death's, only further frustrating the god. He placed both his hands on the side of Geno's face, more forcefully leading Geno's face.

"Look at me. Whatever it is, it is clearly important enough for you to be acting this way," Geno's tears finally began to fall, as he gripped the black cloak of his boyfriend, crying into his chest. Death wrap his arms around Geno, comforting his shaking form. "Hey shh, you're okay," Geno kept sobbing, but eased up a bit at Death's words. After a while, the save screen became silent again, Geno still leaning into Death. "Want to tell me what's wrong?" Geno perked up at the question, looking at Death's one pinprick.

"Death, I have to ask you... Do you still love me... did you ever love me?" A few residing tears made their way down his cheek as he said this. Death seemed stunned such a question had any place of being asked. His eyes turned dark.

"Where is this coming from?"

"Please... just answer the question,"

"The answer should be obvious," Death's voice spoke monotonously.

"I'm asking because it's not," Geno's voice rose and began to phase out. He stood up, shouting in a frenzy, tears once again track down his face. Death stood up as well, slowly walking towards Geno. He placed his hands gently on both the shoulders of the white-clad skeleton, trying to steady them.

"Why would you think I don't love?" Geno choked hearing this.

"...because you're too good for me... I don't deserve a second chance after what happened to my family, after what I let happened to my family," He looked away from Death's eyes, gripping his crimson scarf.

"Babe, if there is anyone who doesn't deserve this, it's me. I'm a god of Death: my job is to end lives, but I still went after you. You were the first person who didn't shun me; you're my light, Geno, in the dark hole I've been stuck in," Death cradled Geno's face, comfortingly.

"...really?" Geno still seemed unsure. Death sighed and looked down at his pocket where his hand tightly gripped onto an object.

"If I didn't love you then why," He takes his hand out with the object in his palm. "... why was I planning on proposing to you?"

"Yo- what..?" Death reveals a blue velvet box, opening it to present it to Geno. He was left speechless, his hands over his mouth, his eyes watering again.

"I was planning on proposing to you for our anniversary of us getting together," He said looking down at the ring nestled in the slit. "Do you really think I'd do that if I didn't want to spend the rest of my eternal life with you?" Geno was still lacking in words: no comments or witty remarks, nothing. "Well?" He got down on one knee, trying to somehow save his proposal. Geno still had his mouth covered, tears run down his face as he looks at the ring in disbelief. "Come on Gen, don't leave me hanging," Death's anxiety and anticipation grew, he felt like he couldn't breath, worried that Geno might say no.

"...yes..." Geno finally uttered the singular word, barely moving his hands to say it.


"Yes!" Geno tackled Death to the ground, pulling him into a passionate kiss. "Yes, a million times yes,"

"Hehe, I don't think I heard your answer enough," Death joked.

"Heh shut up," Geno leaned in and kissed Death again. Once they broke apart, Death took Geno's hand and slipping the ring on his finger. The white gold band glistened in the dark, making visible the two encrusted diamonds surrounding the single blood red garnet. Geno took a long look at it, captivated by its beauty. "I love you, Death," Geno's expression shifted towards Death.

"Love you too, my angel,"

Sanscest One-shots (Fluff/Smut) :::Requests:::CLOSEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat