:::Afterdeath::: Only a Little Drunk (Fluff)

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A/N: Just been seeing a lot of fanart for CPAU come out because of the live Dub that happened a bit ago for it and had desire to write a hint of Afterdeath. Absolutely no one is surprised by this.

Also, I'm sneaking it in before the New Year so Happy New Year to everyone. Here's for 2021 not making us it's bitch or at least being gentle if it does. (Also happy upcoming Russian Christmas to anyone who celebrates that, С Рождеством!)


Reaper was just minding his own business, watching the drunken soiree from a distance, finding mild entertainment in some of the people's attempt at being self-aware. Geno was included in that group as he drunkenly stumbled towards the god, with an exhausted smoldering rage in his eyelight. He fell into Reaper's chest, mumbling what sounded like a muffled insult against his Christmas sweater. Reaper chuckled faintly as he pet the back of Geno's skull in a reassuring manner.

"Gen, how drunk are you?" He waited patiently for a response, hearing another indiscernible noise captured by the sweater. Slowly Geno looked up with a weak glare on his face, clearly thinking really hard as to what combination of words will coherently get his thoughts across.

"Shhhh... shut the fuck up... I don't want to hear wordsss from your mouth..." Geno brought his hand up and pressed his index finger onto Reaper's mouth in a vain attempt to get him to be quiet.

"Oookay?" The taller chuckled again, pulling the hand away and bringing it down around his own waist so Geno can prevent himself from falling over, even if a little.

"Look at 'chu all high and mighty, Mr. 'I'm too fuckin' cool to get drunk'... you fuckin' suck," It took a lot of will power on Reaper's part not to laugh harder than the exhaled chuckle he let slip, turning away slightly to not have to face Geno's adorably blushed yet spiteful expression, "Don't fuckin- look at me when I'm talkin' to you..." Geno forcefully turned Reaper's face towards him again, still glaring at him. Reaper in turn, cleared his throat to force down the last bit of a laugh he had, managing to stifle himself as to not offend the other in his drunken haze.

"Alright, Geno," The god agreed for the sake of appeasing Geno, noticing him squint a bit while looking at him intensely, quite possible struggling to see clearly by this point.

"You may be a bastard but you have pretty eyes... " The taller rose a brow bone at the almost compliment the shorter skeleton made, but was hastily stopped from commenting back when Geno spoke up again in surprise, "...but don't tell my husband that though..." Reaper smiled down at his partner, relishing in the pure cuteness Geno gave off while teetering into unconsciousness.

"Alright love, I won't," The god couldn't help but chuckle yet again, as he pet the back of Geno's skull briefly, pulling his hand back when Geno's head shot up again.

"Really don't," Reaper set his hand onto the other's head again to gently persuade it against his chest, speaking quietly to his husband.

"I promise I won't,"

"...good..." Geno shut his eyes as he mumbled his acknowledgment, leaning his entire weight onto the god now as he was beginning to drift off in his stupor. Reaper sighed, shifting Geno comfortably into his arms with little physical protest from the other.

"Come on, let's sit you down before you hurt yourself," Geno groaned as he was stirred from his brief rest.

"Don' toushh me," the words were slurred at best, but coherent enough for the god to reply.

"You're not doing much to stop me, angel," The taller leaned down to speak softly to his intoxicated husband, kissing his forehead afterward.

"...an...gel... my husband calls me that..." Geno drew his attention away from Reaper who was whisking him away to the nearest couch, looking off into nothing as though shifting into a daydream.

"Yes, he does," Reaper affirmed in an obvious tone, finally sitting down, feeling Geno nestle against him while on his lap.

"I like when he does that..." Geno stated plainly, still seeming distracted by the thought.

"He certainly doesn't plan on stopping," Reaper left a brief kiss into Geno's temple, jolting him from his daze and causing him to turn his head towards the god, once again wearing that weak glare.

"Like youu would know..." It almost seemed like Geno was pouting at the other, pitifully trying to tell the other off.

"I'm sure I do, love,"

"Don't play smart... you're juss pissing me off..." The smaller balled his hand into a fist and brought his index finger to the other's chest to poke him in the sternum with the slightest sense of intimidation behind the action. Once again, Reaper couldn't resist the chuckle he has begun to feel is the natural reaction to anything Geno does while drunk, although he went along with what his husband said just to not rile him up more.

"Sorry, hun," Geno huffed, relenting his fury in the face of a stronger force that had already begun to steal him: his inevitable exhaustion.

"Juss shut up, you suck..." He settled his head against Reaper's shoulder, finding it too much effort to keep it up, his eyelid following there after.

"Okay," Geno shushed him again with a drawn out noise that soon faded into rhythmic breathing, a loving smile persisted on the god's face as he took in the sight of his sleeping husband. With another kiss on his forehead, Reaper looked up to continue his supervision over the pandemonium that the Christmas party has become, much like the years before.

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