:::Poth::: Little Things -- (Fluff)

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A/N: This was supposed to be for Goth's birthday on the 2nd of February, but I haven't had time to finish it until now. I've also been storing up some mini one shots that I may periodically publish to fill in for my lack of publishing.

No one's POV::

Goth contemplated the recent text from Palette, debating whether he should be worried or not.

P: Text me when you’re heading home~! <3

He wasn’t quite sure what it could be, but he knew the other was up to something.

G: Okay?

Goth didn’t want to immediately accuse his husband of some kind of wrong doing, although he didn’t feel it was that far fetched of an idea given Palette’s more unpredictable nature. He waited for another moment, thinking Palette might respond but after almost a minute he just decided to put his phone away and finish his work up; The sooner he finished, the sooner he could find out what the other was up to.

A few hours passed, seemingly longer for Goth as he awaited his work’s completion, which finally came with a breath of relief from the demigod. He kept the delivery short, teleporting to meet his father in Reapertale’s underworld with a swift motion of his scythe.

“All done,” Goth passed on the sack of collected souls to Reaper, simultaneously pulling his phone out in debate of sending a reminding text to Palette. He was half tempted to not send the text to see if there might be something hidden from him otherwise, but he decided to play along, sending a short affirmation to the artist. Reaper quickly turned towards his son from his sudden appearance, seeing him put his phone back in his pocket.  

“You finished rather quickly,” Reaper rose a figurative eyebrow at Goth, taking the given souls from the other. “Something worth rushing home to?” Goth rolled his eyelight as he saw his dad smirk at the insinuating question.

“Maybe…” The god chuckled at the timidness of his son, giving him a pat on the back.

“Welp, have fun kiddo, say ‘hi’ to the two for me,” Goth scoffed and turned around when he saw the black clad skeleton hold his scythe in a manner of creating a portal.

“Couldn’t do it yourself?”

“Nah, ‘m too lazy, but I’m sure Geno would love to harass your husband again,” The smaller stuffled a chuckle at how unfortunately true the aforementioned statement was.

“ ‘course he would. Anyway, I’ll see ya later dad,” Goth waved the older reaper off as he teleported home, a little anxious to see what could have posed a text from his partner. He despawned his scythe as he stepped in, a little taken aback when he saw Palette and his son, Pastel, at the door seemingly waiting for him.

“Happy birthday, mama!” The eager six year old ran up to Goth, hugging his waist after his proclamation, receiving an initially hesitant hand around the child’s shoulders. Goth laughed sheepishly at the reminder, not really sparing a thought of the occurrence of his birthday but remembering Palette would never miss the chance to celebrate it.

“Thanks, sweety. I almost forgot,”

“We made you a cake!” Goth blinked in surprise before looking at Palette, seeing him smile brightly. This though, brought sight to smudges of flour on both their clothes, making it obvious that they at least attempted to make a cake.

“I can see that now,” Goth chuckled as he lightly flicked some of the powder off the top of Pastel’s hat, “Certainly hope you two didn’t make a mess while I was gone,”

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