:::Crossmare::: A Silent Cry -- Mute!Cross X Nightmare(Fluff)

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Requested: -gelli- (Tag didn't work for some reason. Should be fixed.)

Warning: Includes mentions of depression, self harm, and vague insinuation of suicide.

(I swear it's still fluffy towards the end and I guess overall. I don't consider this too heavy but a fair warning nonetheless.)

Third Person: Limited(Cross)::

A monochromatic skeleton huddled into his clothes, in hopes of disappearing among the crowds in the street, narrowly missing them. He hugged the wall as best as possible to limit the amount he'd have to keep visuals on in his surroundings, and with his hood up and head hung low, that was already found a limited area. A numbing voice echoed in his head with spiteful words, but after having given up on fighting, the voice has turned weak and distant, being the few things he still listens to. He would have continued to lose himself to withering thoughts if it weren't for a hard hit in the shoulder that almost knocked off his balance. He suddenly felt a rather foreboding presence beside him, leaving him terrified of how he would be able to confront the person he came in contact to.

"Watch it!" The taller looking down on him as he growled, slamming the wall right beside his skull. Cross flinched finally glancing up at the assailant; He was a slightly taller skeleton-like monster, maybe having about two inches on him, but appeared to be dark almost black boned, wearing equally colored clothes, with only one eyelight visible. What scared the smaller the most was the dangerous aura he gave off, that seemed to be seeping into the deepest part of his soul, gnawing at his darkest thoughts. Once Cross was able to compose himself, he brought on of his hands in a fist to his chest to sign 'sorry' although it was very unlikely he could understand him. A signed a few more gestures revolving around an apology, but it seemed to simply confuse the taller. "Can't even fucking apologize, can't you talk brat!?" Cross swallowed shaking his head slightly, pointing at his neck slightly to show his ill ability to speak. The taller scoffed, before walking off, almost deeming Cross unfit as 'prey' to pick on.

Cross was shocked by how simple that 'exchange' was, having a surprising lack of violence, yet he still felt the need to recompense, walking behind quickly, pulling his phone out to type something into the notepad. He stepped in front of the stranger firmly, taking him by surprise. He looked at the phone seeing as Cross was holding it in front of him. 'I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was walking.' The taller gave him an odd glance, seeing his heterochromatic eyes gazing at him; there was something intriguing about the aura he gave off that almost elicited him asking about it, but he just shook it off and brushed Cross away.

"Sure, whatever, kid," -Kid?- Cross found the nickname almost offensive, but didn't push for an answer. He just didn't think he looked all that young, especially compared to the stranger, albeit age is not easy to guess for skeletons. He watched as the taller walked off, deciding it a fruitless conversation to uphold, for obvious reasons. With a sigh, he walked off, going down a few more blocks to his destination.

Third Person: Limited(Nightmare)::

Another long day stretched on for, drilling a headache into Nightmare's skull. Dealing with his brother was just about enough to drive him insane alone, let alone the work he was left responsible for. He stumbled into a bar in hopes of drowning his stress out even with his alcohol tolerance that would cripple any prospect of being addicted, not like he'd have a liver to destroy anyway. That skeleton from before spiked his power, meaning he likely deals with some kind of depression, he just found it strange that someone with that kind of mental wear would want to step foot outside. Regardless, he set foot inside and mindlessly made his way to the bar. A negative aura tugged at his mind, but in a place like this he found it reasonable, just ordering something simple to numb his thoughts. It was already late and very few people remained on a week day like this, making every faint mumble of a conversation easily heard. He heard the bartender call to another employee to pick up the tables, but what piqued his interest was the rhythmic tapping in response. He glanced around the bar and spotted a skeleton monster with a black turtleneck, sleeves rolled half way up his forearms. His heterochromatic eyes immediately reminded him of who it was, making him realize the aura he felt was almost exclusively from him. The skeleton seemed distracted as he bused tables, putting any lone glasses or dishes in a tub that rested against his side. Nightmare found himself lingering with his gaze over him, not for any legitimate reason but solely for the lack of anything else to look at.

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