:::Afterdeath::: Unwanted Worry -- (Fluff)

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A/N: I was trying to write something for Valentine's day (which I probably still will) until I found this short fluff piece with pregnant Geno that I kinda don't remember writing, but it was almost completely done so I didn't have to do anymore work.

My google doc can be a real treasure trove if I actually bother looking, cause I have written more than I think: Most of it is in bits and pieces but I digress.

tldr: dug through a lot of unfinished writing I forgot existed and thought this was cute.


This wasn't uncommon for him, there's a number of reasons why he could be crying: it could be stress or tiredness, although this time it was a nagging question that had finally driven him to the point of desperation. He didn't know why he had such an urge to pour his figurative heart out into the nearest soft object, it was mostly just an over reaction, but in Geno's confused pregnancy driven mind this was a reasonable way to cope. The question was simple but held such weight for the mother-to-be that it almost made him shake, wanting nothing more than to be in his husband's arms as he whispered quiet words of assurance to him that would lull him to sleep.

Alas, Reaper was gone for an unknown amount of time, leaving the smaller to be sitting with a pillow pulled into his chest as he sobbed quietly. Although, Geno's outlandish thoughts came to some odd conclusion that it was better for Reaper to be away so he wouldn't be a bother again; inadvertently, the thought alone made him even more emotional.

Geno tried to keep relatively quiet, even when he was the only one in the house, as though not wanting for anyone to notice him nonetheless, hiccuping into the pillow in hopes of burying what was plaguing him. The glitched skeleton was so lost in his hopeless folly that he didn't notice Reaper come into the house, the god finding the sight of his pregnant lover in tears rather unnerving. The taller quickly strode to his partner's side to immediately shower him in questions addressing his well being.

"Gen, hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Geno gasped when he felt Reaper's hand cupping his cheek, looking up from the pillow to see him kneeling in front of him with concern riddling his expression. Geno just cried more, which further worried his husband. "Baby, does something hurt?" Geno shook his head, feeling another hand cup the opposite side of his face. "Please, tell me then," Reaper's voice turned soft and caring, almost whispered as he asked.

"I... I don't know what I'm doing, Reaper. I don't know if I could be a good mother. I don't even know how to be a mother-"

"Hey, hey, shh. It's okay Gen. You don't have to worry about that. I know you will do just fine-"

"But what if I don't!?" Reaper has had to deal with this before, having heard the same string of questions although not synonymous to this amount of crying; He sighed.

"Hey love, you'll be just fine. Calm down, you're just feeling emotional right now," Geno hiccuped as he faintly nodded his head, thankful to see Reaper take a seat beside him and pull him against his side.

"How are we even supposed to know how to be parents?" His voice sounded desperate and almost hopeless, complete uncertainty filling his words.

"We'll learn, baby. That's just part of being a parent," Reaper kept talking quietly as one of his hands rubbed at his swollen form gently.

"I'm scared I'll mess up, Reaper," Geno buried his face in Reaper's cloak, feeling himself ease a bit from the familiar comfort it gave him.

"I'm sure no parent actually knows what they're doing first off, but the fact that you're worried about it shows that you care enough," Reaper left a gentle kiss atop Geno's skull, hearing him hum quietly. He brushed one of his hands against his husband's cheek, aiming to remove the falling tears. "There's a difference between a bad parent and an inexperienced one, and I know for certain you won't be a bad parent, Gen,"

"I'm just scared Reaper..."

"Hey come on, I'll be here with you the whole time. I won't leave your side,"

"Except you have to for work,"

"I'll try not to make my leaves too long, and I'll make sure I'll be there when it happens," He rested a hand on Geno's pregnant belly, reassuring him that he would be there for him at least when he goes into labor.

"I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you here with me..."

"Baby, you'll do just fine and I'll help you through it," Geno nodded lightly, humming at his husband's touch.

Silence took the house as Reaper very carefully held his lover. He knew from the past few months that he had to be careful with Geno, given how temperamental he has gotten. Too many times has he gotten hurt trying to care for Geno, then again looking back he may have brought it onto himself.

"Reap?" The god turned his attention to his small lover, seeing a tired pleading look on his face, "'m sorry,"

"What for, angel?" He seemed curious at the sudden notion, finding an apology from Geno already rare, let alone in the context of what happened.

"For you having to deal with my emotional bullshit," Reaper stifled a snicker, trying to not devalue what the other said.

"Baby, I don't 'deal with you', I'd do anything to stay by your side, and this 'bullshit' of yours is trivial compared to every amazing thing you've given me," Reaper left a lingering kiss on Geno's skull, seeing him lean into the affection. Geno probably wasn't even wholly aware that he was nuzzling up against his husband, just wanting to feel him nearby.


"Yes, angel?"

"Can you keep holding me like this?" His voice got quieter as he asked, feeling more timid with the simple request. Reaper was a little confused why Geno felt the need to even ask that, seeing as the two were obviously rather settled in together on the couch.

"Of course, why would you even ask?"

"I just want to feel you like this, you make me feel safe and cherished. I don't want you to leave my side, Reap, please," His voice got even quieter, a bit muffled by Reaper clothes as Geno gripped them tighter.

"What about when I have to leave again?"

"Don't, please. I just need this. I want you to hold me, please..." Geno's voice progressively turned more labored and forced as it was evident he began to cry again, burying his face in Reaper's chest further.

"Shh, you're okay angel, I'm here. I always will be," Geno sniffed quietly, nodding faintly, going almost silent for a bit.

"I-i'm sorry, Reap, I'm just being needlessly clingy right now. I don't expect you to just stay here, I'll be fine,"

"It's alright, I don't mind staying with you. I hate seeing you like this, and any excuse I have to be this close to you is a win to me," Reaper leaned in to whisper that last part in a quieter more sultry tone. He chuckled at the weak hit against his chest from his pregnant lover, hearing him whine mutely.

"Don't make me regret asking,"

"Isn't that what the apology was for?" Reaper continued to tease Geno, clearly only pushing his luck, hearing a scoff from the other.

"You are so lucky I'm pregnant and desperate for affection right now," Geno buried his face in Reaper's cloak again, earning another chuckle from the god.

"Love you too, angel," Reaper pet the top of Geno's skull again, noticing the frustration from moments before melting away in an instant as the smaller relished in their proximity to each other, "Need anything?" The smaller shook his head briefly before turning it up to glance at Reaper again.

"So long as you're here, you aren't leaving this couch until I let you,"

"Of course hun," Reaper agreed fully, not wanting to upset his pregnant lover, knowing that Geno had the tendency to be quite temperamental at this point in his term.

"Good," Geno once again nestled into Reaper, shortly there after dozing off in the comfort of his husband. Reaper was more than happy being trapped there, adoring his partner with unadulterated bliss, his hand running gently over Geno's form as a reassurance to himself that this was very much real.

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