I let out a shaky breath as his hand slid across my stomach, massaging my skin as his thumb curled inside my shirt. I stood there angelically still as Harry continued to roam his hand around my sides, admiring my existence.

I knew where this situation lead us. To kissing. And I couldn't afford another kiss to happen between us. As more days pass by, the harder it is on wanting to go back home and leave him behind. I couldn't do this to myself or to him.

"What are you going to wear?" I suddenly asked, taking a step back as he looked down at me.

He sighed as he realized I didn't want what he was hinting before he glanced at his outfit.

"Um... I was thinking just a normal T-shirt and jeans." He responded as I nodded my head.

"Well, get to it! We have a party to attend!" I clapped as he chuckled and stepped back.

"Someone's excited." He smirked as he walked towards his closet.

"Um I get to party and dance all night long? Yes sir." I said as he chuckled.

"Hey you should wear a coat over that though." Harry said as I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why?" I questioned, looking down at my baby blue top.

"I don't want anyone looking at your ass." He answered as I laughed.

"Oh my god Harry, really?" I giggled as he smiled.

"I'm serious!" He said as I shook my head.

"Literally, no one will." I denied.

"Yeah okay. That outfit literally compliments you." He muttered to himself.

I blushed at his comment before I sat down on the bed and looked at him.

"Fine, I have a jean jacket I can wear." I gave in as he relaxed.

"Good." He said before he pulled out a white T-shirt.

I quickly looked away as soon as he took off his shirt, feeling my cheeks heat from seeing the slightest bit of his skin.

I couldn't help but sneak a glance at his toned body, admiring his back muscles and tattoos. He then quickly threw on his other shirt before putting a coat over it.

He turned around to look at me before I smiled and stood up.

"Are we ready?" I beamed as he smirked and nodded his head.

"What?" I questioned as I grabbed my cropped jean jacket.

"It's just funny seeing you excited to go places with me now. In the beginning I had to drag your ass out of the house." He said as I laughed.

"I don't know, you changed." I shrugged as his eyes lit up.

"Yeah... so did you." He slightly smiled as his cheeks began to turn the slightest shade of pink.

"Harry! Payton! Let's go!" Liam called from the living room as we both widened our eyes.

We quickly left the bedroom before we approached the others by the front door. "You got everything you need?" Zayn asked as Harry looked over at me.

"Yeah." He responded as I nodded my head.

"Let's go." Louis said as everyone walked outside.

My heart began racing as we approached a massive house, making me wonder how much this place costs. Loud muffled music echoed through the walls as many cars were parked nearby. I began to suddenly feel uncomfortable as I realized this was a party full of criminals. Not one person in this building was a good citizen. They all had dirty work on their hands. Why was I excited to come here again?

I began to feel regret, but I quickly covered it up with a fake smile as we walked up to the front door. Harry's arm tightened around my waist as he held me close to his side, comforting me with his presence. "You'll be fine. Just relax. I won't leave your sight." Harry whispered as I let out a shaky breath.

I guess my face said it all on how nervous I was, because the guys started to look worried for me. "Will you trust me tonight?" I whispered back as Harry looked down at me.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"If I have to leave temporarily to go to the bathroom or something, I can't have you by my side like a lost puppy at all times. You have to trust me that I won't be stupid." I replied as he started to look uneasy.

Before he could answer, the door opened, causing all of us to walk inside the house. The loud music began piercing my ears as disco lights beamed around the room. It was like an entire club in here.

I stood closer to Harry as we made our way through the crowd, having no business with anyone. I started to feel overwhelmed by how many people were here, wondering what their stories were and how they all came to be criminals.

We finally made our way outside, concluding that it was too noisy to stay indoors. I sighed as I felt fresh air enter into my lungs, feeling much better out here than inside.

I glanced around the large yard and noticed there was a pool glowing in the dark and radiating light on the people near it.

"Nice place." I commented as Harry glanced at me.

"Yeah, Luke is rich." Harry said before he looked around cautiously.

"Aren't you rich too? With all the jobs you do?" I questioned as he looked back at me.

"Yeah. But I save my money."  He responded.

I smiled before I leaned in and fixed his coat, catching him by surprise as I felt him tense up.

"Relax, don't look so worried." I joked as I winked at him.

He chuckled before he rubbed his hand against my waist, pulling me in closer.

"I just want to protect you." He whispered.

"You don't need to here, I'll be fine." I assured before he shook his head.

"Payton, this isn't one of your college parties. These are more mature and different. Lots of fights happen in these parties. We're criminals remember." He said as I looked around.

"Why do you even come here then?" I asked.

"To let loose. We're human too you know." He said as he pulled my chin and made me look at him.

I smiled as our eyes locked before I heard footsteps slowly approach us.

"Harry, Payton. So glad you guys made it!" I heard a familiar voice say as we both turned around.

My eyes widened as I saw Luke approach us with a drink in his hand.

"Hey Luke." Harry grinned as he grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him in for a hug.

"Sup. Hey Payton. You're looking lovely tonight." Luke commented as he pulled away and eyed me up and down.

"Thanks. Your house is... really nice. I'm shocked at how big it is." I said before he laughed.

"Thanks. I bought it myself." He grinned as I nodded my head.

"Well, enjoy the party! Don't be a stranger. Get your drinks and food and have a good time." Luke smiled as I leaned closer to Harry.

"Thank you." I smiled before he left.

"Don't drink anything here. Everything is really strong." Harry said in my ear as he watched Luke walk away.

"I wasn't planning on it." I said.

"Good girl." He mumbled before we looked at the large crowd.

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