Ch. 41 | A new Monster

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Third POV:

"Ho? This magical power is certainly impressive." One of the adventurers said while shaking.

All the adventurers were sweating bullets.

"Just what on earth is he?" One of them questioned.

There must've been over thirty adventurers in the same place. But none of them could understand what was happening. 

"W-what?" They asked looking at the boy in-front of them.

"G-god of death? Y-you must be joking." Another said looking at him. 

The woman known as Ais seemed stoic. However her arm was trembling.

"N/n-cchi..." Lyd whispered looking at the boy in-front of him. The mentioned stopped flapping his wings and walked towards the adventurers. 

"Lyd-san, I'll distract them, while I do." The boy said rolling his shoulder. 

"Run with the rest." He said as the different monsters took a step back and one by one started running the opposite direction.

"Ah! The monsters!" One of the adventurers yelled out.

He ran towards the monster, however the moment he got close to the boy he stopped in his tracks and fell on the ground face first.

He was stuck in place. He could barely move his mouth.

The adventurers got in guard.

"A monster capable of speech." A blond boy with blue eyes said looking at the self proclaimed God of Death.

 "Could it be you are their leader?" The boy questioned.

"Hey you! Are you their leader?" The boy asked.

The shinigami seemed aloof. 

The boy narrowed his eyes and stared at the shinigami. 

"Sorry I don't really give a fuck. What were you saying again?" The boy asked looking at them.

"This kid pisses me off." One of them said clenching and unclenching his fists. 

"Bete calm down, one wrong move could mean death." The girl with the enormous double-sided great sword. 

"Death? I mean I get you guys are assholes and all. But I wouldn't kill you." He said looking at them.

"Unless you're here to invade my castle!" He yelled making the blond boy narrow his eyes.

"Castle?" He questioned making the shinigami sigh.

"Phew, I don't know why I said that. I don't think I have a flying castle in the first place." He said scratching his cheek.

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