Ch. 72 | I'm back, back again

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking...Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action

{Lucid Adventure}



Third POV:

'I'm gonna die here,' thought Dracian. Closing his eyes shut.

Y/n widened his eyes as he looked around, "What the fuck?" questioned Y/n, letting go of Dracian's face. Dracian fell on his ass thanked whatever fortune god was looking out for him. 

"Why the fuck are there so many swords in my soul space?" asked Y/n knitting his eyebrows and touching the swords all around him, "That's just fucking weird," he said Humming and putting a hand on his chin.

"... Don't you remember?" the words escaped Dracian. Y/n turned around to look at him, Dracian immediately covered his mouth with his hands. Y/n walked towards him and crouched in front of the dragon hollow. 

"No, I don't," explained Y/n getting up and looking around, "My soul space used to be a lake, a bottomless lake surrounded by mountains reaching the night sky, with one island in the middle of the waters with my house in it," explained Y/n, making Dracian gulp. He couldn't feel that man's [Reikaku] but his presence was enough to make him shiver. 

"Why is it a large grassy area now? Why is the sky an endless space filled with stars and not a night sky? Why are there so many weapons lying around?" he asked one thing after another, overwhelming Dracian who didn't know how to answer, "Well, fuck it," said Y/n looking around it. 

"I don't feel like figuring out metaphors for my mental state," he said, looking around and narrowing his eyes at the distance. 

"... Hey, you," Y/n pointed at Dracian, "If you are my inner hollow, what the hell is that thing all the way over there?" asked Y/n pointing at a pitch-black sphere stuck to the ground with golden and glowing chains. 

"That's... I'm not sure, it just appeared there one day, and it kind of started absorbing parts of this space," explained Dracian fearfully, he felt like if he lied or told that Y/n anything that displeased the man, he would die. 

"Ah... these are rare," said Y/n scratching the top of his head and sighing.

"You know what it is?" asked Dracian, getting up from the floor and staring at Y/n who nodded.

"Of course, I'm not brain dead," said Y/n, making Dracian deadpan. 

'... Ouch' thought Dracian.

"A Parasyte Hollow," said Y/n, turning around and looking at Dracian, "They sneak into your soul space and start to slowly devour you from the inside, they are usually small and slowly grow inside the soul space until it's been completely consumed," said Y/n with a sigh, "Sealing them is an option, but if you can, you should be destroying parts of it one by one so that what it consumes goes back into place," he said, walking to the enormous black sphere. 

Multiverse's Shinigami (Multiverse x Gamer malereader) Book of DxD [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now