OMAKE | Family meeting

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking...Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action

{Lucid Adventure}


A/n: "My try at a wholesome chapter!"


Everyone walked with Tatsuki to an enormous white castle with banners with an emblem on it. The emblem was a golden coin surrounded by an oriental dragon biting its own tail, in the coin were two swords crossing each other, and below the coin were white clouds.

"That's the Castillo de Aizen, a castle made and reinforced by Y/n," said Tatsuki, "Though, some did help in its reinforcement after Y/n disappeared." She said as they walked inside the castle.

"Why am I not surprised?" asked Sasuke with a sigh as he looked around.

"Y/n always was kind of a show-off," said Naruto with a grin, making everyone behind them chuckle. The castle corridors were huge, almost enough for two or three tanks to drive through one next to the other. There was a room every so many meters, impressing many of the people there.

"Wow! Y/n's loaded," said Gon, staring at the rooms.

"I heard someone here say he was a king or something?" said Killua, looking behind him and seeing a man wearing only a leaf. Killua blushed in embarrassment as he looked at the man.

"Wear something!" he yelled, making the man look at Killua and tilt his head sideways.

"No, I don't think I will," answered Adam, making Killua look at him like he had grown a second head.

"People here are weirdos," he said, making his friend chuckle.

"Well everyone here is Y/n's friend, so of course they'll be crazy weird," he said causing Killua to grin.

Tatsuki led them to the towers of the castle and told them to choose rooms they were comfortable with, of course, some already had rooms meant for them like Coyote, Lilynette, Gilgamesh, and Fred. Once they all chose their rooms, and after Adam was scolded by several people they all met again in the dining room so they could eat dinner.

"They should be arriving shortly," said Tatsuki, crossing her arms with a malicious smirk.

"Who?" asked Sasuke.

Immidiatly after Y/n and a group of other people arrived. Ichigo, Uryu, Artoria, Chad, Rukia, and Orihime had arrived.

"Alright! Now!" yelled Tatsuki, causing everyone in the dining room to look at her, "Y/n will cook dinner as punishment for not telling us he would arrive!" yelled Tatsuki, making Y/n flinch as he saw all the black holes in front of him.

"Well, Y/n? Get to it!" yelled Tatsuki, making Y/n sigh as he made a cross with both his hands, creating roughly twenty clones, all of which -- along with Y/n himself -- made their way into the kitchen, where they would start cooking for everyone.

The evening started and the guests started to get acquainted with one another.

"My name is Ishida Uryu," introduced the man, looking at Sasuke who nodded, "I am Y/n's cousin," he said, extending his hand. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and got up from his seat before taking Uryu's hand and squeezing it using some of his strength.

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