Ch.85 | Y/n's return?

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A/n: Do I really need a key at this point? I don't own any songs, anime, manga, videogames, movies, or books I might reference in this fic. 


"Die with the Sprenger," said Y/n, removing the small cap off the container and then using his thumb to flick the small silver container into one of the Seele Schnider inside the Hollow's body whose chest slowly regenerated. The container hit the edge of the Seele Schnider and tipped itself upside down, lightly pouring a golden liquid inside.

Y/n turned around as the room shook, trembled, and was covered in red light, "This time stay down."


Y/n turned around and widened his eyes as he felt something strike his stomach, he felt something rush from his stomach to his throat. He threw up something, when looking at what had left his mouth he saw blood. 

"Bastard, how did you survive total soul annihilation?" Y/n questioned, turning his head and seeing his hollow regenerate behind him. 

The hollow regenerated completely before laughing, "Let's get along, shall we, Y/n? We're going to become one again after all." 

Y/n's eyes widened as he tried to get out of the blade which had stabbed him in the chest, he was unable to move and incapable of breaking out with his spiritual pressure or Sage Energy. He looked behind him and saw the hollow from before had changed his form, he was a huge figure with a large jaw and jagged teeth. He slowly moved Y/n towards his mouth. The moment Y/n entered his mouth he couldn't help but chuckle in anger.

 "You're eating me whole?" asked Y/n as he heard the howls coming from inside the hollow's mouth, "That's pretty gay." he said as the mouth chomped down on him. 

 -    Meanwhile in Kuoh:

Rias stared at Kuoh which had turned into a giant fight-fest, the school was partially destroyed with some blocks having only splinters left, the ground was full of craters and cracks from the battles and the sky itself had different colors due to the different atmospheric abilities. 

She couldn't believe her eyes, "Gods, and hollows, what on earth are you?" questioned Rias, looking at the entrance of the school -- where Y/n had disappeared along with Kokabiel, "Aizen-kun?" 

The different people which had arrived to help in the battle had recovered thanks to the nun which ran behind Y/n's stepmother, who for some reason was capable of utilizing holy artifacts. 

Rias clenched her fists and then walked towards the group of people who had gathered on school grounds. 

"Do any of you know what's going on?" asked Rias. No one answered anything, just a group shaking their heads. She averted her eyes to Issei and Kiba who looked concerned about something, she would ask them what their deal was later. 

"My son is battling his inner hollow," answered Y/n's stepmother. Everyone's eyes, including Rias', turned to her. 

"Inner-hollow?" Xenovia questioned wide-eyed. 

"Yes, Y/n told me about it once," she said, looking towards the entrance with a concerned look on her face, "his father -- real father, Sosuke Aizen was researching a method to become the most powerful being in existence, to do so he experimented on hollows."

"Wait, Y/n's father did?" Irina asked, barely getting on her feet. 

"Why would he need to become the strongest being in existence?" Sona questioned, pushing her glasses up.

Multiverse's Shinigami (Multiverse x Gamer malereader) Book of DxD [Hiatus]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя