Ch.12| Mori of the Dragon Feet

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically"

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Y/n's POV:

"No, No no! You are doing it all wrong!" Meliodas said walking up to me. [Full Counter] was not as easy to learn as I thought it would be. The training was brutal, Meliodas would just keep throwing fireballs my way and I'd have to try and send them back in someway. 

"To use [Full Counter] you have to be able to sense and feel the flow of energy. Once you know how to feel the flow of energy all you have to do is hit it at the most fragile point and shatter it, shattering it will actually cause for more energy to build up and when the attack is sent back the magic ability will have twice the strength." Melidoas explained for the fifth time today. 

"How do you feel the flow of energy? Can't you see it?" I questioned as my mentor giggled a little. "You can't see the flow of energy!" He gave a few laughs and then stared at me. 

"Experience. That's what you need to fell the flow of energy" He said as a fireball formed on his hand. Sighing I closed my eyes, the flow of energy? That's not something that can be seen with the naked eye? How proposterous!

 What I am about to do is something I learnt after defeating Kaguya in the Naruto-Verse. I don't use it a lot because it's uses are extremely limited and I haven't had the opportunity. But right now it's the perfect time! Meliodas threw the fireball my way and I smirked

[User has gained the Perk Byakugan!]

[Perk Byakugan evolved into True Byakugan due to User's Bloodline]

"What the fu-" Meliodas was about to say when I sent back the fire ball with double it's strength. The flow of energy appeared as lines connecting the attack, the attack was a sphere of a solid white substance wich had several cracks all around it. All I did was hit one of the cracks and the sphere collapsed on itself forming a void which then turned into a bigger sphere which launched it's way to Meliodas. 

A giant a explosion happened and the moment the dust curtain came down Meliodas could be seen both wide eyed and with his mouth gaping. "What the fuck!?" He yelled pointing my way. "The fuck is wrong with your eyes!?" He exclaimed as I shrugged. 


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