Ch.104 | Murder Hobo

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Issei was not prepared for today. Trying to survive the attack of a murder hobo wasn't exactly what he'd put in his list of fun things to do. 

The day began as normal, Issei woke up with the president of the ORC, Rias, inside his bed alongside other members of the peerage --  minus Kiba... would have been awkward if he was there... Issei would've probably kicked him out of the bed if he was. He woke up in a stupor, then rushed downstairs. The other members of Rias' peerage followed suit soon after. They ate a nice breakfast and then began to get ready to head for school. 

As they walked toward it, Issei looked at Y/n's house with a little bit of anger. He was still quite distant, it'd been a while since they spoke, and he hadn't explained himself after his showings against Kokabiel. Something had happened, Issei wasn't sure what.

"What is it Issei?" Rias questioned, stopping next to him. She followed his line of sight and stopped at the entrance of the door.

Issei saw the door open and from inside came Y/n, he looked normal again. His black hair had turned silver again, and his eyes had gone back to their normal weird selves. He waved hello and Issei glared at him. 

"What's up with the glares man?" Y/n walked toward Issei, he didn't seem to understand for how long he'd left. It felt like he just sometimes existed, other times he would be nowhere to be found. He distanced himself from everyone and never talked anymore. 

"Dude!" Issei said while putting a hand on his face. It was a loud facepalm. "You lied to me about your identity," he rose a finger, "made up several others, lied to me about you knowing of the supernatural. Distanced yourself from me." Issei rose a finger for every point he made.  "I'm a little mad at you right now."

"Well... in my defense, everyone wants to be batman." He reasoned, crossing his arms and nodding. "Having a second life where you're a vigilante tournament winning badass is awesome, a fantasy for every man in the world...  Then you have the other one, which is a badass ninja... I mean C'mon. You're telling me you wouldn't?"  He still shrugged off his actions,  "besides. Two months is not that long. I've trained for longer"

"Your sense of time is not ok dude." Issei shook his head, "I think you spent too much training and away from people." Issei had learned of Y/n's real identity, or what he thought that was. He was someone who had transcended regular logic. He created a world you can visit when you are sleeping, he was the masked man killing hollows when they were released. He had several different lives. 

"Well not really. I'm constantly with people, it's just that I have a lot of people to spend time with." He explained his circumstances. "Well... soon enough I won't really be around anymore,  so I thought I could spend some time with you guys."

Y/n's words made Issei freeze.

"What do you mean?" Rias was the one to ask this time. 

"Well, after I'm done with things here. I'm moving back to where I'm from." Y/n spoke like they would never see each other again afterward.

"You're speaking as if we'll never see you again." Issei said with narrowed eyes, "where are you from?"

"Well... it's complicated, but if I go back, then most likely I won't see you guys anymore." Y/n's harsh truth sunk into Issei's mind quickly. "Things get complicated, I need to do a lot of things. Eventually I'll get too strong to exist here, and I'll be on my own for a bit..." He scratched the back of his head like he hadn't said something incredibly outrageous.

"You said you'd be too strong. What do you mean by that?" Koneko looked at Y/n with curiosity. They didn't seem to like each other too much, but there was a degree of respect... then again, there were very few people Issei knew of that Y/n straight up hated. Xenovia's mother, the church and people who put cereal before milk were only a few examples that Issei could think of.

Multiverse's Shinigami (Multiverse x Gamer malereader) Book of DxD [Hiatus]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن