Ch.14| How dare a Human Hurt a God?

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically"

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Third POV:

Y/n's napping continued as he enjoyed the warmth of the sun while staying on the shade of Yeoui. The warm breeze passing by helped him relax and allowed him to peacefully take a nap. From the peace he was living he heard footsteps, from the different sounds they were making he guessed four different people. The footsteps stopped and Y/n continued to nap. "Well what are you waiting for? Go to him!" A familiar voice said. A voice which rung inside his mind as an image popped into his mind.

An image of him Tatsuki and Ulquiorra together laughing and watching an episode of JoJo. Opening his eyes slowly Y/n looked towards where he heard the voice and without wasting a second he disappeared. In micro seconds the Gamer went from napping to hugging the two woman who had appeared before him. With tears on his eyes he continued hugging them without caring for any noise. "I-it's been so long." He whispered weakly while hugging both. 

Ulquiorra smiled gently why slowly patting Y/n's head. "We know. We know" She repeated trying to appease Y/n as well as she remembered. Tatsuki took another approach and punched Y/n on the cheek. Of course the punch did nothing to the currently level 150 other than leave a small mark. Ignoring the pain she felt from punching her long lost love, Tatsuki gritted her teeth. 

"Where have you been these five years?" She asked gritting her teeth as Y/n bit his bottom lip. He was considering wether to tell them the truth or a fabricated lie. "I-I." Y/n was unable to answer the question while stuttering. He lowered his head and finally noticed the two children following Tatsuki and Ulquiorra. The first thing he noticed were the two clear Rinne-Sharingan the children possessed. 

His eyes widened as he looked at his lovers for some kind of explanation. "Oh we'll explain alright." Tatsuki said with an angry and annoyed tone. "After you!" She proposed with such aura that made it seem more like an order than a suggestion. "..." Sighing Y/n nodded and put the palm of his hand on his forehead. Taking into account that others were looking their way Y/n created a bounded field to block all noise. The two children looked at the barrier with awe. 

"Where do I begin?" He questioned before nodding. "Let's start from when I won against Yhwach." He said making Ulquiorra and Tatsuki nod. Ulquiorra had been quiet for most of the time, much the opposite of Tatsuki who was taking a hot headed approach. Ulquiorra knew how much Y/n cared for them, that's why she trusted that he had a reason for not returning. For now she was contempt with just seeing him again.

"After I won against Yhwach I was sent to another world." Y/n began rising many questions. Noticing the children were playing around and not listening in he continued. "I was pretty much kidnapped and brought there by a powerful entity." He explained as Tatsuki scoffed. "So? You could've come out whenever you wanted!" She said narrowing her eyes. "Ta-san, let him explain." The espada said putting a hand on Tatsuki's shoulder who released a disscontempt breath. 

"I wish I could, but I couldn't. When I was brought to the other world my soul was rooted. I'm stuck there until I defeat the entity keeping me there." He justified which made Tatsuki's angry expression soften slightly. "Why haven't you killed it yet? With your strength killing something like a god isn't far off your reach." She said which made the Monkey king nod. 

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