Ch. 76 | Late as Always

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking...Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action

{Lucid Adventure}



Third POV:

Kokabiel, if he could still be called that anymore charged towards Ryuu-jin. The enormous dragon opened its enormous snout and charged its attack, charging a magical blast. The temperature surrounding the school became significantly hotter, making anyone in that region feel like their skin was being burnt. The flames in Ryuu-jin's mouth slowly shifted color, going from red to orange, to blue to white, becoming so bright no devil in the region was capable of looking straight at it. 

Kokabiel flew straight towards Ryuu-jin as the dragon reeled back its head and then launched the blast forwards. A beam of condensed energy shot forwards, it was so bright none were capable to truly look at it, and its energy was so condensed just being near it burnt the people below, causing first-degree burns. Lightning arched the area the beam went across.

The beam hit Kokabiel straight on, and as such he was completely erased from existence. 

At least that's how it was supposed to go. Below, where Artoria was a small shard of metal on the ground slowly started to increase in size and mass. The king of knights tried to shoot a Rhongomanyad blast at the growing shard, however, the shard had grown back into Kokabiel, and it only erased his left shoulder along with a huge portion of his chest. 

Artoria glared and continuously lunged at Kokabiel, erasing him piece by piece. Kokabiel formed a sword from his bones as he regenerated and quickly threw it far from where he was. As he was erased the fragment he threw away started to contort and twist, slowly regenerating into Kokabiel. Artoria couldn't believe her eyes, she was facing someone completely immortal. 

"SoUL PrInCE!!!!!" yelled Kokabiel, forming a sword on his hand and then charging towards Artoria.

Kokabiel only managed to get a few feet in front of Artoria before he got kicked on the side by Ryuu-jin in his human form, who flung him far from Artoria and erased his upper body, "You forgot I'm also here you immortal asshole," said Ryuu-jin panting, "Man I'm getting old," he said, putting up his guard against Kokabiel's next attack.

The fallen angel arose once again, stronger than before. It let out a war cry so twisted all who heard it flinched, it sounded like Kokabiel was so angry, frustrated, but still in so much pain. The fallen light then charged at Ryuu-jin, who let himself get hit, grabbing Kokabiel's arms and then smirking as he opened his mouth, gathering energy. Kokabiel didn't seem to be intelligent in that state, Ryuu-jin assessed he was moving in instinct alone. The fallen angel tried to remove Ryuu-jin's grasp, however, the dragon kept his grip tight.

Ryuu-jin glanced over at Artoria who was already releasing the seals in Rhongomyniad, readying for an attack. Looking back at Kokabiel Ryuu-jin gave a sly smirk as he let forth his attack alongside Artoria. 

"ERASURE BEAM/RHONGOMYNIAD!" the two yelled Simultaneously, releasing their blasts at the same time, completely covering Kokabiel in energy erasing him from existence.

Multiverse's Shinigami (Multiverse x Gamer malereader) Book of DxD [Hiatus]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant