Ch. 68 | Finale of Arc

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking...Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action

{Lucid Adventure}


A/n: Lots of people complain about the name of the character, maybe I should change it to something I want? Since it's more of an OC than Male Reader. . . well Idk, I'll take you guys' suggestion on it. 


Y/n's POV: 

I woke up in a relatively good mood today. I brushed my teeth and then went downstairs. Artoria was down preparing breakfast, it's one of the new things she's started to do and incorporate into our schedule. I walked to the dining table, sat down on one of the chairs, and looked at the breakfast she had cooked today for me. It looked like today I was eating burnt bread, eggs, and bacon for breakfast...

I looked up from my plate and looked towards Artoria, she seemed so proud of her achievement. Her eyes were gleaming with hope. So there I stood, in front of me a possibly harming substance, and behind me Artoria, looking at me with expectation.

*Ring* *Ring**Ring* 

As if per luck the bell sounded, a bell I had set up so I wouldn't leave late for school. At this point I should be going to school to check on the situation there, I could leave a clone, but I won't know if something bad happened until the clone dispersed, giving me less than ideal reaction time to fuck up whoever is messing with me inside the town. 

"Ah! Wait for me! Wait for me!" I heard someone yell. Asia, came running from upstairs, she was now forever gonna stay with us, which was lucky because it meant I didn't have to check on her or have a clone spy on her. I could just watch over her safety inside the house. 

I arrived at the school, everything seemed to be quiet, well... it seemed to be quiet, too quiet. 

[User has entered a Magical terrain]

Of course, who is it this time? Some assholes from the Shinto? No, the magic here is way too well controlled for it to be from the Shinto, that meant this is from another faction, one which knows of me, or thinks they know of me. Now, what faction thinks they know of me and are possibly after me?

"Asia," I said, pulling the girl's arm and putting her behind me, "Stay close and do not move an inch," I told her, knowing full well of the dumbasses hidden in this "magical terrain" or half baked bounded field. 

"O-Ok," said Asia behind me, I smirked and looked around. 

"What? Not gonna come out?" I asked, turning around and looking for any magical signatures, they were good at hiding, I'll give them that much, but with both the Sharingan and the Byakugan there wasn't much anyone could do to hide from me. 

"Wow, you guys of the church aren't messing around eh?" I asked, looking up and seeing two angels. They weren't as strong as me, I could tell all the way from here, the system didn't even need to be activated for me to tell that I could snap my fingers and Thanos them away. 

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