Chapter 80: Take me to Church

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Alita's Point of View

I was leaning against a pew, as I watch Ty as he bounces Judith in his arms.

"What happened?" Someone asked me, I looked up at Carl, he sits down on the floor next to me.

"To your arm." He clarifies, and I sighed.

"When Carol and I were trying to help you guys get out of Terminus, I was fighting a lady in a room and I guess I got hit with something silver on my right arm, and now it's hurting." I told him.

"I'm guessing you weren't friends." He says and I laughed a little, he smiles at me.

"Nah, we weren't friends." I said, and Carl and I chuckled a bit.

"Did know see you? Like how Gabriel did?" He asked me, I sighed and shook my head.

"No, she didn't and I'm rather happy about that. You should go check on your sister." I told him, he nods and gets up.

"Still thank you for helping us, Aunt Alita." He tells me before going to his sister, and I nodded at him.

Once the group got back they brought in whatever they found, Rick hands me a hot/cold gel therapy body wrap and some supplies for my arm, I thanked him, then they made dinner...

-Time skip-

The place is full of chatter as everyone gets their plates and drinks.

"I'd like to propose a toast." Abraham announces, it goes quiet in the room.

"I look around this room... And I see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title. To the survivors." He says raising his glass.

"Survivors!" Rings out from the group along with clapping, I leaned back against Daryl with a smile, I took a sip from my cup.

"Is that all you want to be? Wake up in the morning, fight the undead pricks, forage for food, go to sleep at night with two eyes open, rinse and repeat?" Abe asks causing the room to fall silent.

"Cause you can do that. I mean, you got the strength. You got the skill. Thing is, for you people, for what you can do that's just surrender." Abraham continued.

"Now, we get Eugene to Washington and he will make the dead die and the living will have this world again. And this is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip." Abraham says, as I picked at my food.

"Eugene, what's in DC?" Abraham asks, all eyes fall on him.

"Infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this foobar magnitude. That means food, fuel, refuge. Restart." He explains.

"However this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in, you can be safe there. Safer than you've been since this whole thing started. Come with us." Abraham says.

"Save the world for that little one. Save it for yourselves. Save it for the people out there... Who don't got nothing left to do except survive." Abraham offers.

I chewed my food thinking over his words, Rick chuckles a little looking at the cooing Judith.

"What was that? I think she knows what I'm about to say." Rick says, I smiled over at him.

"She's in. If she's in, I'm in. We're in." Rick tells him.

Cheering and clapping erupts, and I smiled, as I kissed Daryl's shoulder. Turn we chased with the others as we ate, the moment is full of a light energy.

"I gotta take a ****." Daryl tells me.

"Alright, be careful." I mumbles kissing him, and then I watched him as he leaves with a smile on my face.

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