Chapter 52: Are you sure you okay?

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No One's Point of View

Pushing herself away from the railing, Alita made her way back to the cell her and Daryl shared as she slung her crossbow off her shoulder, with Foxy by her side.

She took a seat on the bed as she began cleaning her bolts with a spare rag Daryl gave her in her backpack, and Foxy was eating his dog food the group found for the dog.

A few minutes passed before Daryl stepped into a cell, leaning against the wall opposite of Alita and she could feel him staring at her, wanting to clearly talk to her about something, but he didn't say anything.

She glanced up at him noticing he was biting his thumb nail which Alita knew was a nervous habit, before Daryl caught her eye and sighed.

"I know ya keep sayin' that nothin' happened back at Woodbury, but I know somethin' did." Daryl finally said, looking over at Alita as she went back to cleaning her crossbow bolts.

"We have bigger issues to deal with right now. Its doesn't matter." Alita replied, not looking over at Daryl as she tried focus on what she was doing, hoping he would just drop the topic.

"It does matter." Daryl muttered, but Alita shook her head looking up at him as he leant against the wall opposite of Alita.

"What do you want me to say, Daryl? That the Governor locked Maggie and I in a room and held a knife to my throat? That he made is take our clothes off in front of him?" Alita questioned, staring up at Daryl from her seated position on the bed as tears began filling her eyes.

"That he bent me over a table and forced himself on me? That I couldn't do anything to stop him because he threatened to chop off Glenn's hand off? Is that what you wanted to know?" Alita questioned.

"Alita..." Daryl said softly, not knowing what to say as he took in her teary eyes, he hated hearing what the Governor did to her, like...

He should never have let her go on that supply run, he knew it was a bad idea. But once Alita wanted to do something there was no stopping her, Daryl knew that.

"It's over now. I'm alive, Maggie's alive, Glenn's alive, and we found Merle, and Ash as well as Foxy. That's all that matters." Alita said looking down at her crossbow in her lap, unable to hold Daryl's worried gaze.

"Remember that time at the bar playing pool? We would have been 20 or 21 years old I reckon and that old creepy guy tried hittin' on ya and kept trying to touch ya whenever it was your turn at pool?" Daryl suddenly questioned, confusing Alita silently at the sudden change of topic, but she wasn't going to complain.

"Yeah, you hit him with your pool cue, breaking it over his head and when we left you slashed the tires to his motorcycle? How could I forget." Alita replied with a soft chuckle as she wiped away the tears in her eyes.

"What about the time when you first moved to Atlanta when you stood up to a girl because she was making fun of me?" Daryl asked and Alita couldn't help the smile on her face as she remembered that day.

"Yeah, I remember that." Alita replied with a soft smile thinking back to that day before she lifted her head looking over at Daryl as he began to walk over to her, taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside her.

"We had each other's backs before all this and we still have each other's backs now. I won't let the Governor hurt ya gain, not when I'm around. Even Ash and everyone else around here." Daryl stated and Alita couldn't help the tears rising in her eyes again after hearing those words and he clearly noticed as he pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you." Alita whispered, Daryl wrapping his arms over her shoulder, holding her tightly as she rested her head in the crook of his neck.

She didn't say anything further, sometimes silence spoke louder than words and Daryl knew that as he kissed to the top of Alita's head gently.

Later Foxy jumped on Daryl's lap licking his face. When Foxy finally got off he sat down right in front of the two.

Alita chuckled and Daryl looked at Alita semi-smiling, rolling his eyes, as he petted the dog.

"Field's filled with walkers." Rick's voice suddenly shouted from downstairs in the cell block while Alita and Daryl sat by side in their cell with Foxy in front of them.

"Stay here, I'll be back." Daryl said softly brushing a strand of Alita's hair out of her face and she nodded looking over at him as he placed a gentle kiss against her lips before he got up and walked out of the cell.

No, doubt going to talk to Rick about what the next move was, as Foxy laid near Alita's feet. Daryl was only gone for a few minutes before Alita heard Daryl climb up the metal stairs.

Two seconds later he walked into the cell with Ash behind him, but the expression on their faces, she knew something wasn't right.

"What's wrong?" Alita quickly questioned, standing up from the bed as she reached their sides in an instant, but they shook their head. As Foxy looked up from his position from near the bed, as the dog whined a bit.

"Nothin', just some of them don't want Merle here. But they want Foxy and I here, but not him." Ash muttered and Alita nodded.

She didn't expect everyone to just welcome the older Dixon into the group, not after what he did, but he wasn't leaving so they were gonna have to get used to it.

"After what Merle did it's gonna take some time for everyone to get used to him living here." Alita replied and Daryl sighed rubbing his face with his hands as he walked over to the bed and laid down on his back.

With him tucking his arm under his head as he stared at Alita in defeat. Alita sighed and she looked at Ash and she gets it as she left to go to her cell.

"What if they don't get used to it?" Daryl questioned and Alita could tell that he was really worried about it.

It was his brother and after losing him once, he didn't want to lose him again, Alita understood, since if she lost Maggie, Beth, Hershel or Ash.

"Merle is Merle. He isn't the same man I remember from next door, but he's still Merle." Alita began to say as she gingerly sat down on the edge of the bed as Daryl rested his arm over her thighs, looking up at her.

"It doesn't matter it the others ever get used to him being here or not because he is staying. I'm not letting anyone leave again, alright? You know this group means to much to everyone to up leave." Alita asked and Daryl nodded giving her a soft smile.

Foxy got up from his position on the floor and got onto the foot of the bed and laid down on their feet.

The three of them sat there for a few minutes before Carol and Ash knocked against the door frame catching both Alita and Daryl's attention as they gave them a smile.

"I'll let you guys catch up." Alita said, realizing that Daryl and Carol wanted some privacy as she stood up with Foxy getting off the bed as well.

Alita grabbed her crossbow and began walking out of the cell before Carol grabbed Alita's arm.

"Thank you for coming back." Carol said softly and Alita nodded giving her a smile before she walked out of the cell.

She wasn't sure where or what she was gonna do, so she just made her way down the stairs with Foxy and Ash to the cell block, spotting Rick and Glenn.

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