Chapter 71: Can't lose them

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Ash's Point of View

The yard is slowly filling with more and more bodies as this flu kills off our people.

Hershel and Caleb are doing what they can, but without meds there's nothing to do. Yet, we're currently dealing with a different issue.

-Time skip-

"You found 'em like this?" Rick asks Tyreese. Rick, Carol, Daryl, and I stood with Ty next to burnt bodies out at the back of the prison.

"I came to see Karen... And I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them. Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire. They killed them and set them on fire!" Tyreese screams.

I knew him and Karen have been together for a while, and I can understand how upset he is, but he turns on Rick I stepped up getting ready to defend him.

"You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me." He shouts, Daryl comes over and grabs Tyreese by the arm.

"We'll find out who—" Daryl starts, but Ty cuts him off by pushing him away not backing off of Rick, who looks like he's about to snap.

"I need to say it again?" Tyreese asks.

"No. No." Rick tells him.

"You need to step back, man. You're messing with the wrong person." I warned, but it falls on deaf ears.

"I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous." Rick says trying to calm him down.

"Karen didn't deserve this. David didn't deserve it. Nobody does." Ty  says in a raised voice.

"Alright, man, let's—" Daryl starts trying to pull him back.

But Tyreese spins around grabbing him by his vest and slamming him into a door.

"Man, I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this!" Ty shouts.

I pulled out one of my pistols going to do something along with Carol and Rick, but Daryl holds up a hand stopping us.

I stepped back, with my pistol still in hand, Tyreese berths hard still pushing Daryl up against the door.

"We're on the same side, man." Daryl tells him.

"Hey, look, I know that you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you got to calm down." Rick tells him gently.

He places a hand on his shoulder an Tyreese turns grabbing Rick and pushing him away from him.

"You need to step the **** back." He shouts, and I can see it in Rick's face , on what Alita told me that the old him starting to crawl up.

"She wouldn't want you being like this." As soon as those words leave Rick's mouth.

Tyreese swings punching him across the face. Rick falls to his knees, I pulled the hammer back on my pistol.

"Stop! Stop!" Carol shouts going over to Rick, Rick looks back up at him and Tyreese punches him again.

"Stop!" Carol shouts again, Daryl takes the opportunity to grab Tyreese pulling him back.

I lift my gun up keeping an eye on the panting man even though Daryl has his arms held back, I'm waiting for him to get loose.

I don't want to shoot him, I know he's hurting and I care for Tyreese, but he acted violently towards my cousin's **** husband and Rick.

Rick and I, we've been helping each other from when Alita got me into the group, and I'll be ****** if he hurts him, Alita, or Daryl.

"That's enough." Daryl tells him firmly.

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