Chapter 33: Explaining how we Met

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No One's Point of View

That night everyone was sitting on the ground in the cell block drinking tea. Lori sat on the stairs where as Daryl, Alita, Rick, Maggie, and Glenn sat leaning against the wall while Carol, T-Dog, Beth, and Carl sat a few meters in front of the five so they could all talk while they ate.

Usually they ate in the other room around the tables and on the steps in the room, but none of them wanted to be away from Hershel, even though he had been sleeping for the past few hours anyway.

"I can't believe those prisoners had no idea what life was like outside the place." Carol suddenly said after Rick finished explaining to the others what happened with the prisoners.

"They wouldn't survive a minute outside this prison." Carl responded and everyone nodded in agreement. 

If it wasn't for the group, the prisoners would have no idea how to kill a walker, let alone how to survive on the road. Later Carl asked about how Alita and Daryl met, she started explaining unable to hide the smile on her face as she thought of those times with the brothers.

"Wait, are we thinking of the same Merle? Because the Merle I knew wasn't so great to be around and I mean that in the nicest way possible, sorry Daryl." Glenn responded and Alita felt Daryl stiffen slightly at the comment about his brother, he was always so defensive when it came to Merle. 

Everybody was so quick to judge the older Dixon and although he could be a huge pain and would constantly annoy people hoping for a fight, but he protected Daryl and looked out for him and after him for a while he began doing the same for Alita too. 

She grabbed Daryl's free hand, pulling it into her lap as her thumb rubbed smooth circles over the back of his hand gently and she felt him slowly relaxing besides her.

"Merle isn't as bad as you guys think. When you actually get to know him, he was a good man. Hot tempered and more of a punch first and ask questions later kinda guy, but his heart was always in the right place even if it might not seem like it." Alita answered, recovering slightly guilty and sad looks from a few of the group members. 

She knew it was because of what happened back in Atlanta, Daryl has told her of what happened to them before the farm. The time from when they were at a camp outside Atlanta to the highway.

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