Chapter 74: Getting out of Quarantine

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing in this chapter and the chapters after the flash back chapter, it's different after Chapter 76. Hope you enjoy the chapters.)

Alita's Point of View

The next morning when people were starting to clean out the bodies.

I finally get out of quarantine since Hershel deems me well enough to get out.

Soon meeting Daryl outside, he smiled as he handed me some of my weapons back to me and I smiled back taking them...

"Alita, Daryl." Rick called and we looked over to him.

"We need to talk." Rick says, as Daryl and I shared a look before following him inside.

Once inside, I leaned against the wall taking in what Rick just told us, apparently Carol had admitted to killing Karen and David so Rick sent her off.

I have to disagree with Rick on what he did with Carol, and I guess Daryl agreed with me.

"Man, you couldn't have waited till I got back?" Daryl asks him.

"Or till I got better?" I asked him.

"Until Tyreese got back?" Rick questions.

"Alita, Ash and I could've handled that. Or more like Alita could." Daryl tells him, with me nodding at his statement.

"Hey. Hey. She killed two of our own. She couldn't be here." Rick tells him, they stare at each other for a moment.

"She's gonna be alright. She has a car, supplies, weapons. Sh-she's a survivor." Rick points out, and I shook my head.

"Stop saying that like you don't believe it." I said, as Daryl growls putting his finger in Rick's face before backing up.

"But did she really say it?" I asked sighing wanting to be clear, Rick nods.

"She did it. She said it was for us. That's how it was in her head. She wasn't sorry." Rick says.

"Man, that's her, but that ain't her. What are we supposed to do about those two girls?" Daryl asks Rick, me knowing it's Lizzie, and Mika, the two girls Carol took under her wing.

"I told her we'd look after them." Rick tells him.

Daryl leans against the railing looking down, and I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"I haven't told Tyreese yet. I don't know how he's gonna take it." Rick says.

Daryl stood up straight, and we looked at him. Then Daryl and I were going to see Tyreese with Rick following behind us.

"Tyreese, you down here?" Rick calls out once we got to the tunnels after not finding the man anywhere else.

"Rick, that you?" Ty asks, we head forwards instead of answering, Tyreese steps out of the shadows.

"You guys got to see this." Ty says to us.

"Can we take a break? There's something we need to talk about." Rick tells him.

"It can wait. Come on." Tyreese orders before heading back he way he came.

I shared a look with Daryl and Rick before we we followed the man.

"Look." Ty tells us shining his flashlight over to the floor.

"The ****?" Daryl asks as we got closer using our own flashlights, my eyes widened a little at the sight.

A rabbit is nailed to a piece of wood with it's stomach cut opened and pulled apart.

"I was just looking for... Answers... And I found this." Ty says.

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