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"One last thing Jimin... that boy you have been hanging out with lately... is his name Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook?"

"W..how'd you know?" Jimin's eyes glimmered as he stared up with glossy eyes.
"He sure has grown into a fine young man then.... him and your sister were close, inseperable infact. Which also meant he was overly protective of you too" his dad smiled gently as he placed his hand on the side of Jimin's cheek.

"You won't remember, but he was like your little guardian angel when you were little. Meanwhile your sister was your little knight"


"Where are we going?" The small boy pouted as his hand laced with hers, watching her smile shine as she gave him a small humm.

"Ill let you see my treasure, which is why you will have to be very carefull. You better not steal it from me!!" She shouted playfully as she stepped up the pase with a chuckle, her small soft hands interwined with his routs as her flowers bloomed in his eyes.

"I have enaugh money, I wownt steal the gold from you-"

"Hmm? Gold? My treasure means more and is much, much more precious than some metal" She panted as they came to a sudden stop, her eyes lit before she took a glance over at the small bunny boy who blinked a few times before looking back at her.

"T..that's not treasure... its a person"

"Well he is my treasure" She smiled gently as she pushed the smaller hesitant boy forward towards the small bed which was placed in the middle of a dream like room covered in plants and small butterfly's as the small boy layed behind a thin net which protected his small thin body.

"W..whats wrong with him?..."

"Mummy says he's really ill... bad disease got him so I as his sister have to be his night!"

"But arn't boys supose to be the nights? And the girls princesses?" Jungkook tilted his head in confusion before looking over at the weaker of the three who layed there as if motionless on the bed "then again... he looks as delicate as a pettal doesn't he" Jungkook whispered with a small flush under his cheeks as he glanced over at the small girl beside him who slipped up onto the bed, hand reaching for Jungkook.

His eyes set onto the little figure nexto him as he hesitantly reached forward, fingers running across the others dark wavy hair.

"Can't you make him feel better" Jungkook muttered as he glanced over at the girls mother who gave him a small weak smile "we are trying our best, but sometimes our best isn't enaugh"

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