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"Man... don't you think you've gone a bit too far this time? Its only the first day of school and you've already tormented him on three seperate ocasions"

Taehyung spoke with his back against the wall as he sighed, his words comming out in a profane manner as he chewed lightly on the lollypop which sat loosely inbetween his lips as he examined Jungkook who sat down in a deeply lathargic manner, his lips occupied with a burnt up blunt which sat comfortably in the gap between his fingers.

Tormenting Jimin was top entertainment for Jungkook, other than that he had nothing to occupy his thoughtless mind on.

"And whats it to you?"

"Not much really, just seeing as how you've been at it ever since you first set your eyes on him" Taehyung shrugged only to let out a scoff as he watched his lollypop being yanked away by the ugly whitch of the west.

"Decided to show up for a reunion Namjoon?"

"Well sneeking in is pretty fun" the tall lean man spoke with a small yawn as he stepped down on the sugary treat which he tossed beneath his feet.
"Im hosting a party in a few days, half of the school is invited so i need you guys to make it entertaining" he spoke as the particles that bonded the shape of the lolly disburst over the floor.

"What makes you think ill do what you want" Jungkook graised the side of his neck with his fingertips as he turned his attention over to the side, watching.
Watching as the ant colony swarmed beneath him.
So powerless and brittle.
Jungkooks dyed black waves falling over his dark eyes as he saw a small figure in the distance, kneeling helplessly while trying to sort out the mess Jungkook caused.

"Well im not sure, maybe because your getting half of the profit from our last job. And i could make that percentage go lowe-"

"Blackmailing me with money doesn't work, you should know that by now" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he begun to suck on the inside of his lip as he tossed what was left of his cigarette over the fence "do me a favour and buy me a new pack of fags"

"Its a deal then"

Bully. ( jikook)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz