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"I can't believe it- thats how you two made up-"

"What? You jealous?"

"Not really, im good honestly. But most importantly now that Jimin knows everything it will be easier for us" Taehyung sighed as he sat up watching Jimin from a distance as he sat beneath a small tree in the middle of the school ground, yet the elongated silence from Jungkook sure didn't feel too good.

"So you havent-"

"I can't, there are some things which are best not said... even more so now that i know who Yoongi is" Jungkook groaned as he rubbed the back of his neck, watching from afar as Jimin glanced over at them.
Sure the smaller wasn't too mad at him.
Actually he was furious, turned out that he didn't quite apreciate Jungkook's fondness of his behind.
Not like Jungkook cared as he leant back against the wall, feeling the disapointment from Taehyung who stared at Jungkook.

"Why not? It would make life so much easier for you if he knew-"

"Knew what? That his best friend just happens to be the son of the verry people who wan't me and my dad dead?" Jungkook sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck roughly, something in all this didn't seem right.
Because he didn't undertsand why Jimin was being involved, but then again nothing made sense.
"Its going to be alright, because this way we can have a close eye on Yoongi" Jungkook's voice faded as he watched the devil walking over to Jimin who's eyes lit up like parashoots.
He could still remember that time Yoongi dared to place his lips on Jimin's ones.

"You know, there is a festival comming up.. you could allways invite Jimin"

"Why the hell would i do that?" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders as he watched the other two converse in the distance, Yoongi leaning into Jimin way too much.
Not that he cared because he sure as hell didn't, Jimin and him only made up as far as being able to stand eachother goes.

"Well.. its a festival... and you can invite Jimin..."

"Your just repeating what you said the first time"

"Well do i need to further elaborate on that?" Taehyung chuckled as he flung his bag over his back, Jungkook really never stopped acting like a child. " just go and invite him, i know you want to"

"Scince when do you suddenly think you can see through me" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he reached down into his coat pocket, ramaging around till he found his last cigarette.
He really did hate it, he wasn't able to do much without teasing the smaller.
It wasn't pitty or anything, more like he was in det after what happened that one night.

"You might be hard to read, but love makes people careless" Taehyung sang as he braised his shoulder past Jungkook melodically who just stared watching the matted sky, the muggy smoke lifting from his lips.

"Careless my ass, love is pointless" Jungkook groaned as he layed back onto the green soft grass that wrapped itself around Jungkook with every wind stroke that formed around him.
He never understood the whole construct of love.
After all the concept of it was so romanticized, when in reality it was so fickle.
Nothing like the stupid little fairy tales.

Jungkook sighed, the sun was nice till it was blocked.
He felt small ran droplets skidding down his face as he arched his eyes open.

"W- woah calm down, why are you crying?"

"I..i thought you were dead again"

Jungkook blinked at the others comment, a big frown forming over his face as he flicked the smalers forehead which made the smaller scrunch up his face in slight pain.

"You fucking bell-end course im not dead now stop crying, and what do you mean again?! I never died in the first place!!" Jungkook sat up with a riddled scoff as he stared at Jimin motionlessly, he really didnt know what to do when he saw people  crying.
He was taught to suck it up, because crying is a weakness.
And if he is seen weak then its easier to overpower him.

What was even more confusing was that he would have swore Jimin was mad at him ascend agoe.

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