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"Sorry it took me a while, i had something to do"

"Its fine... um well but he sort of fell asleep on my bedroom floor...again " Jimin rubbed the back of his neck as he stood beside Taehyung.
The taller could already see the bloody mess that will be painted over the walls after he wakes up the beast.
But at the same time he was intrigued, after what happened yesturday he'd expect Jimin to be frightened to be anywhere near Jungkook.
But little did he knew that was exactly what Jimin felt.

But fear didnt mean he had to be a shitty human being.. even when it came to Jungkook and even if he didn't benifit of it.
Adleast he knows he did something right.

"Show me the way and ill take care of him"

"Um sure- " Jimin spoke in a plaintive manner as he signalled Taehyung too follow him.
Taehyung didn't expect Jimin's house to be small and yet so coasy.
All types of greenery and paintings exfoliatong the otherwize plane rooms that sat silently, as if untouched for years.
Jimin turned to face Taehyung who stopped by the side of one of the rooms, crouching down beside the door phrame.

"I didnt know...im sorry for your loss.." Jimin blinked before realising the door to his mums old art room was opened, he had no idea how.
Not even his dad ever had it in him to walk in there.
Everything was left in the same place, untouched for a year now.

"O.. its fine um the door" Jimin let out a nervous shudder as he quickly shut the door, feeling his heart twitch before he turned his back around after opening the door to his room .
Expecting Jungkook to be where he last left him, sleeping...But instead Jimins blanket was missing, aswell as his dog.

"Is everything ok-"

"My dog- " Jimin muttered as he turned around, skanning the room thuroughly.
If only he'd knew this was going to happen he woulden't have left the other male alone in his room.

"What about your dog" spoke a deep voice from behind them, a blanket hanging loosely off of his shoulders as he carried pollo the little puppy inbetween his arms while in the other he held a plate of baked beans with loose slices of garlic bread on top.

"Jungkook- what the fuck are you doin-" Taehyung was about to speak when all of a sudden Jungkook stuffed a piece of garlic bread into Taehyung's mouth while pushing though and sitting back on Jimin's bed.
"You talk too much" Jungkook sighed as he glanced over to the side at Jimin who found his way behind the door phrame.
Why did his life have to be so messy, he just wanted some piece and quiet.
"I should.. grab you something to drink Taehyung.." Jimin mummered before running downstairs.

"Jungkook don't you think your going a bit too far? Again" Taehyung sighed as he leant against the door, having to repeat the same thing over and over again sure was exausing.
Sometimes he really did wonder, what were Jungkooks intentions behind all this.
Was it all just a sick joke? Or was there something he was hiding.

"I have no idea what your talking about" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders as he patted pollo who sat beside him, only to watch as his plate was snatched away.

"After what happened yesturday i think you should leave him be."

"Who are you to tell me what to do." Jungkook spoke with a dispassionate expression as he leant forward, his hands pressing against the bed forcefully.
"And he wasn't even invited so how could i have done anything to him?"

"Oh really?" Taehyung shook his head as he placed his phone beside Jungkook before passing by the door "watch that and then we'll see who is the lunatic here... ill go check on Jimin" he spoke in a bitter yet atternative manner, because he knew that Jungkook didn't really hate Jimin.
There was a spark in his eyes every time their eyes met, so much so it felt like he had a small soft spot for the smaller.

He was just to stubborn to accept it.

Jungkook placed his friends phone face down before falling back on the bed with a slight grunt.


Bully. ( jikook)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz