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"H..hey guukie... why do you allways seem so scared when your around your mama" spoke the small girl beside him, her fingertips threading the daisy chans togeather to form a long string that was long enaugh to fit around the smaller males head.

"Because mama hates me... she'd prefer it if i never existed"

"Ok that's enaugh! This is the fourth time today that you fell asleep on me, whats up with you" the tall male whined as he took a deep breath "you honestly look like you haven't slept for days-" Taehyung spoke in a agitated tone as he leant against one of the trees that scattered aroud the bench which the gloomy male layed on, he looked worse and worse by the second.

"Shut up. Let me sleep in piece.." Jungkook spat as he kept his eyes locked as his legs hung from the edge of the bench, he hasn't been able to fall asleep for a while.
But the feeling of the soft wind grazing past his cheeks was the most relaxing idea he had so far.

"Man ever since the morning you've acted wierd!"

"Well done, have a Grammy for being so observant"

(Here comes a handy dandy flashback :'l)

"Jimin you seem in a good mood, something good happened?"

"No not really, it just feels like a nice day today" the smaller male gave Yoongi a jubilant smile as they stepped into the oversized building, feeling the frenzy surroundings forming bashfully.
But by the time they walked in they had to seperate as their lockers were in different lanes.

Jimin waved his momental goodbye before heading over to his locker, pulling out his books aswell as some spair pens just incase.
He really wasn't sure why he was in such a good mood, the day was identical to every other one and yet he coulden't help the joy in his heart.
He was confident about this day till he turned his head to the side, only for sudden chills to run down his spine as he felt a sudden somber gothic atmoshere forming around the raven haired who shoved past the crouded coridoor while walking in the direction of Jimin who instantly hid behind the medium sized door of his locker.
Ofcourse it wasn't going to work, but adleast he didn't go down without trying.

"JUngkook! You look like a zombie.. why don't we go get you some coffe-"

"Coffee my ass, it gives you herpies"

"Im not sure thats even possible-" Taehying raised his brows in a disturbed manner at his best friends sudden irritability which did raise a bunch of questions as he stopped for a moment to think, but the moment was too long as once he raised his eyes back up Jungkook had slammed Jimin's locker shut while also slamming the smallers back against it once he was done with the other.

"Lemon, lollypop" the tall male spoke in a wierdly profane manner as he gripped down harshly onto Jimin's wrists, the poor thing having no idea what was happening as he glanced over at Taehyung who was trying to pull Jungkook away.

"S..sorry ... Jungkook isn't feeling too well today" Taehyung muttered as he struggled to pull Jungkook away the moment the other leant closer to Jimin, the bags under his eyes growing deeper the closer he moved.
Jimin tried retreating but with no use as his eyes finally locked with Jungkook's.

"I... i don't really like lemon flavoured ones" he muttered causing Jungkook to stare for a second or two before  pulling away slowly, letting go of Jimin's wrists before turning around and walking off with a dark cloud raining hail above his head.

"W..what was that.."

"I honestly have no idea... he has been like that for a while now but not as bad as this" Taehyung sighed as he rubbed his fingers against his head in circular motions
"I can only guess that his father is comming back... anyway are you alright?"

"Y..yea i guess so" Jimin muttered as he watched Taehyung rushing past the moment he heard screeching comming from the girls toilets.
Jimin was still lost on Jungkook's question, feeling like something inside his head wierdly clicked the moment he looked over at the direction of the two males

"Hey Jimin there you are, our lesson is about to start."

"Y..yea im comming"

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