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"NO fucking way will i let him know our plans!"

"B..but i heard it myself, they were forcing him for money.. " Jimin took a thirm step as he stared up into Jungkook's eyes with a soft but serious expression "a...and then he told me everything! This all happened to him in his old school!"

Jimin stared up at at Jungkook who's eyes grew cold by the moment as he pushed the smaler away with his aura, it was like a war where there was a flame being thrown back and fourth.
Taehyung didn't apreciate the front row seat as they argued over his desk, oh how he wished he had some noise cancelling headphones because his ears wern't going to last much longer.

"Ok be quiet! The both of you!" Taehyung sighed as he slammed his hands against the desk beneath him, he hated this.
He could see the pain in Jungkook's expression at the very thought of having Yoongi involved, even more so that he had no time to torment the younger as he had to be extra carefull incase someone desided to do something like this again.

"Jimin we have no idea if thats true, we know its something to do with the two of you" Taehyung tried to be reasonable as he layed back on his chair, feeling the two pair of eyes falling over him as he closed his own.
"why would Yoongi be involved now? Jimin everything that had happened to you begun after you met Yoongi"

Jungkook rolled his eyes to the side as he pulled out a chair from another desk before settling down open legged as he stared over the room at Jimin, and just as he thought his anger towards the other had reappeared
Why help him if he doesn't want to be helped.
There was no use in even trying at this rate, but the very thought made his heart quiver.

"Just go. I've had enaugh of you, you know nothing and yet your not prepaired to listen"

"Then tell me! You don't tell me anything" Jimin took a deep breath as he felt the pase at which his chest raised and fell increase, Jungkook pushing himself up before slamming the chair against the wall as he moved towards Jimin.

"Tell you? Ok how about i show you instead?"

"Jungkook i don't think that that's a good-" Taehyung sat up, feeling on edge as he watched the other backing Jimin into the corner while slipping out his brand new phone from his back pocket.
"Its what the princess wants, i have enaugh of being the knight" Jungkook spat his words as he placed his phone into Jimin's palms, and there it was.
That damn look that Jungkook wanted to whipe off of the face of the earth as he pressed play on the video.
Jimin eyes fluctuating from side to side before he raised his eyes at Jungkook.

"B...but how...t..that's not me a-"

"Sure, you little fucking slut. Now go and don't you ever show your face to me" the raven haired male gripped onto Jimin's shirt as he leant in, hearing Jimin's iregular breath as he stared into space. "Scram."
Jungkook spoke harshly before slamming Jimin's back against the wall, watching as the smallers arm grazed past his the moment he ran out.

"And why did you say that? You know that it's not him" Taehyung looked over at Jungkook with disgust over his expression as he slowly turned his back towards his friend who was fuming with a overwhelming mix if emotions.
"Sometimes i really don't recognise you- don't come anywhere near me till you calm down"

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