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"Jimin !? What's wrong? I came as soon as you called-"

"Y..yoongi.." Jimin muttered beneath his breath before Boulting forward, his arms wrapping around his shoulders as he held on tightly leaving Yoongi taken aback as he slowly lowered his hands down to Jimin's sides.
His fingers wrapping around the length of Jimin's waist before pulling him closer as he felt Jimin's soft fringe grazing across his colerbone. "J...Jungkook... h..he hates me"

"W..what happened? Did he hurt you ?! Or even-"

"N...no nothing like that!!" Jimin sobbed as he pushed himself further onto Yoongi's body, feeling the vibrations comming from the pulsations of the elder's crumbling heart.
Jimin looked beaitifull, and yet there was nothing he could do now.
They stumbled across eachother on accident, but everything else was much deeper than that.

"Ok...im glad, but what's with that expression" Yoongi frowned as he edged Jimin's face up gently before wrapping his long fingers around the sharp edge of the others face, using his fingertips to rubb away the salty tears.
Leaning in as closely as he could as he grazed his lips against Jimin's soft blemishless skin.
"Don't waste your emotions on someone like him, you you never know. You might die right this moment and the last thing that was on your mind was him." Yoongi muttered before letting a gentle grin form over his lips the moment he pressed his finger against the surface of Jimin's lips, Jimin had no way to react the moment he felt the others lips pressed against his.

He didn't pull away.

He coulden't, the moment he could feel the others soft small lips against his he felt his vission becoming blank as his body tumbled forwad.  He should have been more carefull, it must have been out of stress as the moment he opened his eyes back up he saw Yoongi hovering over him with a wet cloth which he dabbed against his forehead.

It didn’t feel like he was out for long, and yet it felt like he was asleep for years.

"Finally awake.. I was worried sick" Yoongi muttered as he pulled Jimin up into his arms, Jimin tried to forget about the sudden kiss.
But it sure was hard with how close Yoongi's face was in comparison to his, he needed a distraction.
And it didnt take long as he noticed the shelter over their heads, the were outside before.
There was no cold concreat beneath them then.

"W..where are we?"

"Hmm this? I actually have no idea, I came here as soon as you collapsed." Yoongi mumbled in a matter if fact tone as he rubbed the back of his neck before looking back down at Jimin.
"I hope you don't mind, I was acting on instincts to take you to the nearest safest place"
Jimin didn't think about it too much, but it looked like a construction sight.
The walls were plane bricks as the windows were bearly attacked.

"It's fine..really im just sorry... I've learnt too much today and I guess it was a little too much for me"

"It must have been.... how about you take a nap? Hmm" Yoongi formed a small grin as he placed his coat over Jimin's small curled shoulders, there was a already folded blanket beneah his head.
He should have said he was fine, that he would just head home instead.

But he felt himself falling back down, feeling Yoongis body pressed from behind him, wrapping around his back as he layed on his side feeling the others warmth radiating from behind.
Feeling as his hand snaked around him before setting over his hand, it felt wierd.

Although Yoongi was the kindest person he had ever met, so far the only person who didn't care about themselves as much as caring for others.
He saved Jimin from falling, and yet the person he coulden't kick out of his mind wasn't him, it just wasn't him.

"Jimin... do you think you will ever forgive me if I do something wrong?"

"Hmm? I told you before didn't I, I could never hate you no matter what" Jimin mumbled as he felt a squeeze over his hand, Yoongi's luke warm body pressed against him.

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