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"Im home-"

Jimin hummed gently as he stepped through the doorphrame only to be hit by a pungent tang which oscillated across the rooms, a gently poisonous taste at the end of his toung as he glanced down at the floor.
His eyes following the path of bottles to the living room only raise his eyes to the dinner table where he sat, sat still with his hands pressed togeather.
A eery aura sizzling away at Jimin's toes as he placed his bag down gently onto the ground, not sure weather to make some noise or not.

But it didnt matter, he had already been noticed by the dark uncertain eyes which sat a few meters across from him.

"Dad- ?"

"Mhm, im just thinking...." he spoke under his breah as he layed his eyes over the set newspappers which was flaunted over the table before raising his brows. "About stuff...sit down if you like"

Now it wasn't everyday he'd catch his dad so calm, although the house rank of spirit it seemed like this time it was different.
Because he wasn't drunk in the slightest, and yet this version of his dad scared him the most.
His eyes were baffled with sadness which sunk so deeply.

It was as if he was drained of all life, these moments were ones he'd wish would be different.

"Thinking about What-?" Jimin mumbled as he slowly slipped onto the chair, leaving one inbetween them as he slowly placed his bag onto the ground.
Hesitance was stabbing at him as he looked away.

"Can't a old man think?... but now that your here i might aswell speak" his dad pushed himself up from the table before shaking his head "ive been ignoring this too long... I wasn't sure why exactly, but I have. Jimin-" he spoke as he pushed forward a box from under the table towards his son, leaving Jimin in confuzion as he reached his hand forward only for a hand to be slammed over the top as he looked up.

"You have to know this. I don't have much time" he sighed as he tilted his head to the side.
"Both your mum's and my family don't have the best of genes, illness runs through our families. And yet fortunately when our first child was born compleatly fine we thought everything was fine... that was untill our second came"

"Se- I had a sibling? What was wrong with them?" Jimin chocked on his words as he felt a sudden tumor forming in his throat as his stomach clenched, he never knew.

"There was nothing wrong with her... when you were born doctors didn't  expected you to live a mear hour, maybe two" his dad spoke as he leant his head over his head, his fingertips running across his own palm. "And yet you exceeded that, by five years. But that was going to be your final year, unless we did something. But we coulden't" his dad chuckled emotionlessly as his words begin to gravitate towards the sorrowful ground.

"She was the only on who could save you, you wern't identical but you were twins. But it was our-....it was my mistake for not doing enaugh research into the hospital we put you in.. they were corrupt..... you were the only one who came back in one piece" his dad stared up into Jimin's eyes with his dark honey ones only to drip his eyes back down onto the table harshly "you are the only one i have left on this damn world do you understand, but I wownt be around for much longer either Jimin. I hoped that I could stay long enaugh to see you grow up... have kids an get married...have a good life"

His dad sighed as he gripped onto his hair with a small smile "that wown't happen will it? Looks like this is it then. I just hoped I'd hold my grandchild once you know... but its ok... if you wan't to be with a guy thats fine.... im too old to undertsand it but I don't want you to hating me on my death bed. So its ok..."

Jimin blinked, he didn't really understand. But how could he. Him and his dad never had these kinds of talks, they never talked. They were closed up and distant from eachother and yet there was a yearn for the closeness which hadn't been there.

"Im sorry-"

Jimin pushed forward as he wrapped his arms around his dad, he must have been hurt for so long after all that happened and Jimin wasn't helping with distancing himself.
Because he really did love him.

"I can still have a g..grandchild you know?" Jimin smiled lightly as he felt small droplets fall over his shoulders.
"Im afraid its a bit too late for that Jimin.... but its fine" Jimin bit down on his lip as he held tighter onto his father as he burried his face into his chest.

His dad was getting older, skin and bones from all that drinking.
Now that Jimin thought about it, it hurt so much.
So much that he didn't want to watch him dekay.
But alcohol wasn't the only thing that was destroying him.

"Ill get to see your mother once again"

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