Meanwhile, Kirana sat angrily on the edge of the building rooftops that has a billboard standing behind her.

"I worked my butt off to become the leader that mother chosen me to be." Kirana thought furiously. "Who does that hothead brat Camilla think she is? She doesn't have a single clue how hard it is to handle the responsibility as a leader. Once she fails her job of being leader, she'll come running and admitting me that I'm right. Just wait and see."

Suddenly, Kirana sensed many black auras coming from behind her as she got up and summoned her water magic. She turned around and found herself face to face with a squad of Shadow Clan ninjas.

"The Shadow Clan? Well, this night is going to be delightful." Kirana said with a grin.

All of the Shadow Clan soldiers lunged forward to attack at Kirana with everything they got, but the blue mage knuoichi have beaten them easily.

"Thanks for making up my bad night." Kirana smirked.

Then, Kirana sensed another black aura out of the corner of my eye and looked up to see a shadowy ninja crouching on top of the billboard. The ninja was actually gazing down at Kirana as if he was studying her moves. Then, the figure jumped down and landed on his feet to face Kirana. The black aura that Kirana have detected was a Shadow Clan mage ninja. He was tall and lean almost equal to Ariana's height with a muscular physique and brushed-back black hair. He wore a black v-neck training shirt with several gray linings in its place, black hakama pants, and black ankle wraps with gray linings. He also has a black metallic mask with neon gray linings at the center that covered his eyes. To Kirana's eyes, he looked strong and dangerous.

"Hey, you're not bad." The ninja boy spoke in a smooth voice. "You might be quite a challenge for me."

Kirana's eyes widened wide in surprise as she can't believe that the Shadow Clan ninja was really complimenting her fighting skills.

"Um, thanks?" Kirana said with a raised eyebrow.

"Now here comes the fun part." The ninja boy said with a chuckle.

The mage ninja boy approached Kirana slowly and summoned out his dark energy magic from his hands. He extended their arm forward and released a multitude of hands composed of dark energy to grab the blue mage knuoichi. Kirana quickly created a barrier of water that surrounded herself to deflect the Shadow Clan ninja's attack. The mage ninja then charged a large sphere of dark energy between his hands and fired it at Kirana in form of a powerful beam. Kirana took the hit from the attack, leaving her struggling to stand up and fight back. The mage ninja took that advantage and lunged forward to release several tentacles made of dark energy that wrapped around the blue mage kunoichi, restraining Kirana's movement by her arms and legs in the process. The mage ninja came close into Kirana's face.

For some reason, Kirana found herself somewhat attracted to him rather than feeling the sense of fear in her mind.

"Heh, maybe not." The mage ninja said with a shrug. He took off his mask and revealed his jade green eyes with a smile to Kirana. "Forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kuro. But don't think we're finished here. We have all night. See ya."

Kuro summoned a portal made of dark energy and descended into it out of sight as he snapped his fingers to free the blue mage kunoichi from the dark energized tentacles. Kirana ran up to the disappearing portal and looked down at the spot with a complete confusion.

"Who was that boy?" Kirana asked.


In the Crete Fortress, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra watched as Ariana was using her magic to pinpoint the various places Omalgae had been sighted on a map of New York City.

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