Operation: Detention Breakout

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In the Crete Fortress, Ariana and Camilla faced each other in a sparing exercise inside the dojo. Sage stood on her feet while Casey, Kirana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit sat on the mats to watch the match.

"Well then, where do you want me to break you first, Ariana?" Camilla asked with a sly grin. "Me taking you down means I can play with you as much as I like."

"I'll let you have your fun with me." Ariana said. "Fighting you will be dreadfully dull when I'm done with you."

"Hajime!" Sage called.

As Ariana and Camilla battled, Ariana was able to use her enhanced agility to knock Camilla on her back with rapid kicks. That made Ariana gasp in astonishment, but she looked at her downed older sister.

"Ha, how does it feel getting beaten up by a pretty nerd like me?" Ariana asked with a cocky grin.

"That was awesome, Ariana." Casey smiled.

"Oh, thanks, Casey." Ariana smiled back with pink blushes.

Camilla noticed Ariana's distraction and tripped her younger sister with a sweeping kick. Ariana moved out of the way, but Camilla unleashed a sudden barrage of fireballs that hit the purple mage kunoichi in low and high directions.

"Camilla, enough!" Sage shouted.

Camilla rolled her eyes with a sigh. She jammed her foot to Ariana's stomach and slammed her onto the ground with an axe kick.

"I'm still suprised that you didn't realize you were that weak." Camilla grinned. "And yet, you still talked like you're a tough girl."

Ariana growled at Camilla with a glare.


Kirana, Talia, Ezra, Norbit, and Casey exited out of the dojo as Ariana caught up to Camilla near the exit slide door.

"What the heck was that, Camilla?" Ariana demanded.

"What? Just having fun like always." Camilla replied with a smile. "Even your gadgets aren't use to you against me anyway."

"Camilla! You can't keep treating me this way!" Ariana exclaimed.

"Ariana, what are you talking abo...?" Camilla asked. She then noticed the angry look on Ariana's face. "Wait a minute. Are you mad about being treated like a weakling?"

"Well, duh." Ariana snapped. "You're the only one who does. Even towards Talia."

"Well, in case you've noticed with that big brain of yours, I prefer the challenge with direct approach." Camilla said with a firm face. "Look, you're not just strong enough to break me. You're nothing but a quiet nerd who loves spending time with computers more than training. Learn to fight like a real kunoichi and you'll realize how capable you really are."

With that, Camilla walked out of the dojo. Ariana glared at her older sister and started walking her way to the lab. First, Camilla doesn't believe that Talia can make friends with a mutant. Then, she challenged Kirana for being the best leader of the team. And now, she's telling her that she's weak to be a kunoichi. Ariana sometimes wished Camilla could be a better sister.

Ariana watched Kirana, Talia, and Ezra playing video games with Casey, Norbit, and Camilla viewing on the couch in the living room as she closed the lab doors shut.


As four mages fell asleep on watching a marathon of action movies, Ariana was planning future inventions for the missions in boredom until she received a mysterious email on her laptop. She opened her email and heard loud electronic musical sounds, but she carefully heard a unfamiliar voice speaking in the backgrounds. Unfortunately, the musical sounds made the voice hard to hear who it was. The sound clip was finished, making Ariana stare at the media player icon with confusion.

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