Race With The Demon!

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In a cloudy afternoon, Casey was driving coolly in the party wagon. April was chilling in the passenger seat while Donnie and Ariana were sitting together in the back seats. Despite being surrounded by groceries, Ariana was completely relaxed while Donnie wasn't relaxing at one bit. Vee and Ezra were chilling in the trunk while playing a game on their phones.

"Oh, you are good. But wait till I use the flat canon and rail gun. You're going down, Ezra." Vee smirked.

"Oh we'll see, Vee. After I use the plasma grenades." Ezra smirked back.

The turquoise masked turtle and teal mage ninja laughed as they continued their game. Ariana smiled for her younger brother. She had a feeling that Vee was the perfect girl for Ezra, even if she was a mutant, they have so much in common.

"Ahem! So why am I always stuck in the back with the groceries?" Donnie complained.

Ariana rolled her eyes with a groan as she knew that Casey and Donnie are gonna start arguing again.

"Somebody has to make sure the eggs don't break, dude." Casey replied.

"We don't even buy eggs! We have chickens!" Donnie snapped. Then, he suddenly suspected Casey was having ulterior motives on April. "I know what you're up to, Jones! You always get to drive! I wonder why."

"Well, maybe because a giant turtle driving a hippie van seems a little suspicious!" Casey remarked.

"All right, guys!" April shouted. "I'd just like to have one peaceful trip to the store where the two of you aren't at each other's throats." She looked back to see Ariana still relaxing. "At least, someone doesn't seem to complain about the trip."

"Thank you, April." Ariana grinned.

Donnie and Casey looked at Ariana for a minute before stopped talking to please April for having peace and quiet, but that peace was interrupted when a purple muscle car pulled onto the road and started to edge them off the road. Unfortunately, Casey wasn't gonna let it slide and drove against the purple car off the road. But the purple muscle car pulled a maneuver that sent the car that Casey drove spinning out of control and finally slammed the vehicle into a tree.

"Everyone okay?" April asked.

"We're alive." Ezra groaned.

"Partly ok." Vee added.

"I'm good." Ariana replied, rising her thumbs up in the air as she was lying on the bags of groceries.

"Nobody forces Casey Jones off the road, huh?" Donnie remarked sarcastically to Casey with a glare.

But Casey didn't snap and slammed angrily on the steering wheel in temper repeatedly.


Meanwhile, the three Turtles, Macey, Norbit, and the three Mages sat on the couch as they were watching a Crognard the Barbarian episode inside the farmhouse. But the show got interrupted by the local news on TV.

"Breaking news! A word of warning for those planning on driving tonight. Stay home!" The female reporter announced. "Reports are coming in of a mysterious driver running people off the road." The screen displayed a purple muscle car on TV that got everyone perked up.

Donnie, Ariana, Vee, Ezra, Casey and April walked into the living room as they watched the news that displayed the same car they've encounter earlier.

"Hey, that was him!" Vee alarmed.

"That's the maniac who nearly trashed us!" Donnie said.

"You ran into that nut?!" Leo and Kirana exclaimed worriedly.

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