Earth's Last Stand

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The Nexus soared into outer space as it was setting its current course to the Milky Way Galaxy and the Solar System. Inside the starship, the K-5 and Norbit were mostly happy to be home and to reunite with their family and friends back on Earth.

"I can't really believe this." Talia said with a happy grin. "We're finally heading back to Earth! Mother, New York City, pizza, Pink Hallow! I miss them all!"

"Yeah, I was starting to get a little homesick from all this space traveling." Ariana agreed. "I mean, no offense for the great adventures we had together."

"Yeah, especially since we found out that the Turtles are still alive." Camilla smirked.

"You're gonna love the Fortress, Mom. Sage would love to meet you." Ezra said to Rosetta.

"I'll be very happy to see your home and meet the woman who took you in." Rosetta smiled.

"Guys, this really isn't the time to celebrate." Kirana said firmly. "Not only have we delivered the final talisman to the Cristallums, but we got one last shot to stop the Triceratons before they can destroy the home we know and love for good."

"You're absolutely right, Kirana." Valina agreed. "That's why we must find and destroy the Black Hole Generator. If we fail, we can't travel back in time to fix Earth again. We'll do whatever it takes to stop the Triceratons, even if it includes our own sacrifice."

The Levians and Gáta began chattering in worry and fright, causing Camilla to comfort them with a calm smile.

"Don't worry, you guys." Camilla said. "We'll protect you all at any cost."

"I have some concerns about this mission." Norbit said.

"Don't worry, bud. We're not going anywhere." Ezra said.

"I've already contacted the entire Cristallum Empire." Domino said as she was levitating mid-air in a meditative position. "They have finished the Cosmo Escalation and they're on their way to Earth right now."

"Let's do this. For Earth." Kirana said boldly.


Meanwhile, the Cristallums airship had arrived near Neptune towards Earth to save it from the Triceratons once and for all.

"Warp complete, Captain Erin." One of the Cristallum soldiers spoke. "We have arrived in the Milky Way Galaxy in Earth's solar system."

"Excellent. We must locate the last Kraang outpost and find the Black Hole Generator before the Triceratons have the chance to activate it." Erin said firmly. "Within mere nextons, Earth, home to the heroic K-5, will be saved."


As the Nexus entered into the Solar System, the K-5, Norbit, and Domino quickly looked out the spaceship's windows and they saw the spectacular view of the planets.

"If I may ask, how are we gonna take down the Black Hole Generator exactly?" Camilla asked Valina. "You said it yourself. The weapon is too invulnerable to be destroyed. I'm not even sure if the Cosmo Escalation can neutralize it."

"That's what the Cosmo Escalation was built for." Valina replied. "Every single piece of the Heart of Darkness must be destroyed."

Domino looked at Valina as if she knew that she was hiding something within her mind. She closed her eyes and then opened them to give the cosmic alien a glowing stare while using her powers to soar through Valina's mind. Domino saw a series of memory images quickly flashing by. Then, Domino's eyes went back to normal and looked at Valina with a calm look.

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