Showdown (Part 2)

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Kirana stood on the edge of a building rooftop with a shocking face. She watched the Technodrome floating high in the sky. She even looked down to see every human in New York saw and stared the giant spherical ship above them with wide eyes.

"It's the...end of...the world!" Kirana cried. "The end of humanity and mage's reign!"

The Technodrome started aiming its antennae at the city and began firing neon pink energy lasers to wreak some havoc in the city. Thousands of terrifying citizens ran away from the energy lasers in a panic the Technodrome slowly floated over them.

Kirana immediately looked back up to see a neon pink energy laser coming in her direction. Her eyes widened wide and stood hopelessly when the energy laser collided down at her position.

Suddenly, Kirana gasped sharply as she opened her eyes wide and struggled to catch her breath for several more seconds.


Back in the Shadow Clan HQ, Sage and Lady Shade suddenly rammed into one another in their white and black orbs. They flew down to the ground at the other ends of the throne room and floated in mid-air with glaring faces.

"Burakkurōzu Rozu." Sage said softly. "You were once my best friend. I thought of you as my closest sister. Fifteen years ago, I was a different mage with a loving husband and a wonderful children." Her calm face slowly changed into a fierce look. "But you let jealousy consumed your soul and you took everything that I loved. Everything! And still you hunt me down like a rabid dog. So, if you really wanted to fight me, go on and try!"

Sage created an enormous ball of white energy and sent it flying straight at Lady Shade, who easily moved out of the way. Lady Shade began creating several powerful black energy balls and sent them one by one to hit Sage's position, but Sage easily avoided each powerful ball with remarkable speed.


Meanwhile, Kirana finally took deep breaths and then looked around to find herself in a large room inside the massive Kraang warship. She looked down and found herself strapped to an obscure, metallic table. She also found her younger siblings, April, and Macey are strapped to a table as well.

"Hey, guys. Wake up!" Kirana called out.

April, Macey, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra opened their eyes as they looked down to find themselves trapped to a strapped table with surprise faces.

"What the heck is going on?" Ezra asked.

"Whoa, where the heck are we?" Talia asked as she and the others looked around the room.

"We're in some kind of a secret lab room." Ariana answered. "But without the computers and other Kraang machinery."

"Hey, who are you guys?" April asked the K-5.

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra stiffened for a moment. But Ariana moved her index finger in a circle and pointed her magic at her forehead.

"Guys, use your masks." Ariana spoke telepathically. "Disguise our voices, so April and Macey won't recognize us."

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra nodded their heads as they and Ariana looked at April and Macey.

"We are the K-5, April O'Neil and Macey O'Neil." Kirana spoke.

"How do you know our names?" Macey asked with a raised eyebrow.

"From TCRI." Ariana answered. "We found out from the data drive that not only the Kraang need you, your sister, or a mutant girl, but the five of us as well."

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