Donna's Nevermore

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In a secret hideout laboratory, Donna was working on his computer for future research. But the pressure from the mutation collar around her neck made her take a break. But that break ended shortly when Lady Shade and Galva came in the room.

"Donna, I've asked you to build me a mutant army and you've been making zero progress!" Lady Shade scolded.

"My latest creations have been difficult to process." Donna countered. "They are becoming extremely unstable and they melt back into ectoplasm each time I tried to create one."

"This is the last time you mess our mistress's request!" Galva hissed.

"Look who's talking." Donna snapped. "I'm not the one who can turn into a blob of slime! But now you are twice the kunoichi you were before!"

"She does have a good point." Lady Shade admitted. "Because of your constant failures, I know the perfect punishment for you, Donna."

Lady Shade took out a small device with her thumb slightly touching the bright red button.

"The mutagen!" Donna gasped sharply with a panic look.

But it was too late for Donna to beg for mercy.

Lady Shade pressed the red button on the controller that activated the Donna's mutagen collar. Donna screamed as little bottles of mutagen started to break and the mutagen was spilled all over her. Lady Shade and Galva left Donna alone as they went back to Shadow Clan headquarters. Donna fell to the floor and her right hand was sparked with her techno magic, mutating her into a computer virus humanoid.


In the Crete Fortress, Ariana was adding chemicals to the mixture inside her lab. She remembered Donnie emailed her the ingredients to the retromutagen he has successfully developed earlier, so she decided to combine a unique mage DNA potion to complete it. She administered a few couple drops of mage DNA potion into the mutagen beaker, causing the neon green to change into neon orange. She looked at the computer screen to see the results and the computer had proven that the substance was perfected once she saw the combined cells turned completely normal.

"Yes! I did it!" Ariana shouted with a cheerful smile. "I really did it!"

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, Ezra, Norbit, Casey, and Sage quickly came in the lab.

"You did it?" Kirana asked in disbelief.

"You did it?" Camilla repeated.

"You did it?" Sage reiterated.

"What did you do?" Ezra asked.

"Did what?" Casey inquired.

"Yeah, what did you do?" Talia questioned in confusion.

"Ariana seems happy about her accomplishment." Norbit said.

"The retromutagen potion! I finally made it, you guys!" Ariana explained with a smile. "The key to turning mutants back to mages again, except that I already made only one dose thanks to Donnie, who sent me the right ingredients to create it."

"I'm proud of you, Ariana." Sage said with a small smile. "But only use it wisely to the mutants who need it."

"Yes, mother." Ariana said with a nod.

"Can you make more retromutagen potion with your science magic?" Kirana asked Ariana.

"Yeah, but it takes time to refine just one dose of retro-mutagen and I don't have any more mutagen left." Ariana replied.

"This is big news, Ariana. Especially for lost mage mutants out there." Casey smiled. "You really outdone yourself, Ari."

Casey planted a small kiss on Ariana's cheek for her hard work, causing the purple mage kunoichi to smile widely and pass out to the floor.

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