The Key To The Lost Treasure

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(Extra #5)

At Roosevelt High School, the K-5 were watching a documentary in their history class with April and Casey.

"Long ago in the kingdom of Junglina, there lived an ancient queen who protected the life of the animal kingdom. Her powers created an everlasting jewel to the heart of her kingdom. But her son, Prince Lucifer, saw darkness in the jewel and wanted to discover its dark secrets. As of that result, the price caused his heart to fall into darkness. Queen Absinthe saw the darkness in her son's heart and was heartbroken to put him out of his misery for a person could not be saved once the heart has darkened. She hid the jewel in a secret temple and the kingdom was lost. But in 1957, someone claimed that a map was discovered but only one specific key could unlock the chest. No one has claimed the map, but someday the key will be discovered and the kingdom of Junglina will rise again to its former glory."

The movie began to end and the teacher turned the lights back on, giving some students a time to cover their eyes from the light.

"And that is the ancient kingdom that nobody has found yet." The teacher said. "History can have its mysteries."

The bell rang and the students got up to pack up their stuff before they exited the class.

"Remember, test is next week." The teacher reminded. "Follow your study guide."

April and Casey caught up with the K-5 as the seven friends began to walk out to their next classes.

"Man, that documentary almost made me fall asleep." Camilla said with a sigh.

"But now I am curious about this Junglina place." Kirana wondered.

"Ancient kingdom?" April questioned. "That's mostly yours and Donnie's research, Ariana."

"If there was an ancient kingdom that was forgotten, mother would have told us a long time ago." Ariana said.

"Unless she didn't know anything about it." Talia considered.

"Come on, guys. There's no way that kingdom can be real." Casey denied.

"Nobody knows for sure, Casey." Ezra said. "Maybe the prophecy might be true about this key. If anyone could find it someday."


Meanwhile in the the sewer tunnels. Bruce and Nixie were on their way to the Turtles' lair to see the Turtles and the K-5, but Bruce stopped his tracks when he saw something in the water. Nixie noticed her friend's gaze at the water and walked over to him.

"What is it?" Nixie asked.

"There's something in there." Bruce said, before he reached his hand in the water to grab it.

"Aw, gross!" Nixie gagged as she covered her mouth. "Bruce, do you have any idea what's in that?"

"Wait, Nixie, look." Bruce said as he pulled the object out of the water to reveal an ancient golden key.

The key had a lion shaped symbol at the top, a vine shaped pattern on the stem, and fang shaped symbol for the teeth.

"It's a key." Nixie said as she walked over to Bruce.

"Whoa." Bruce said as he stared at the key features. "Is this what I think it is?"

"It can't be..." Nixie said in disbelief.


Meanwhile at the lair, Mikey, Talia, Vee, and Ezra were sitting on the couch as they were watching an episode of Space Heroes: The Next Generation. Captain Ryan was looking at an old map and ordered his crew to follow the directions to the treasure at a jungle themed planet. Just then, a blue tiger came in and started fighting Captain Ryan and his crew.

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