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In the fortress cube, Viral had finally perfected the infinity synthetic mutagen inside her laboratory. She then headed her way into the training room, where Lady Shadestrike was waiting patiently for her result. The training room was filled with black and blue glowing spider webs.

"Is it finished yet, Viral?" Lady Shadestrike demanded.

"Yes, my mistress. The synthetic mutagen has finally been perfected." Viral answered. "It was designed to stabilize your system that will keep her body from falling apart."

Viral injected the infinity synthetic mutagen into Lady Shadestrike's right arms, causing the black mage mutant to feel herself growing stronger than ever with her mutation finally stabilized.

"Yes, this feels good." Lady Shadestrike said with a satisfying smile. "Activate the Shadow Droids to Level 13!"

"As you wish." Viral said with a nod.

Viral slithered away and snapped her fingers that summoned five Elite Shadow Droids to surround Lady Shadestrike in a circle. Lady Shadestrike swung her giant claws to defeat the first two Elite Shadow Droids. Three Elite Shadow Droids came together with their weapons and charged forward towards Lady Shadestrike, but she instantly performed two swift slashes at the last three elite robots. Suddenly, a holographic Kuro jumped in the scene and began charging forward towards the black mage mutant with dark energized claws. Lady Shadestrike felt absolutely no remorse in striking him down as she swiftly attacked the holographic Kuro with a strong drill attack from her right claw. Then, the holographic Kuro collapsed to the ground and pixeled himself into nothingness.

"It worked." Lady Shadestrike said with a smile. "You have done well, Viral."

"Mistress Shade, we have found out that Kuro hasn't left the city at all." Galva reported. "He has a new secret hideout."

"He's staying with the Amazons in Bronx." Masque added.

"Finally, I'll be ready to find Kuro and destroy Sage and those vile K-5 once and for all." Lady Shadestrike said with a malicious smile. "Viral, get to work on the surprise for Ezra. That boy is about to get a real challenge coming to him."


In the Crete Fortress, the K-5 and Norbit were sitting on the couch in the living room. Camilla was eating gummy bears, Kirana was eating a bowl of buttery popcorn, Ezra was sipping on his teal water bottle, and Ariana was sipping her mango soda. Talia stood in front of the TV with an exciting smile.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Today's the day. The final episode of Sarina Universe!" Talia announced as she held a DVD up in her right hand.

Talia placed the DVD in the DVD player and sped down to the couch, sitting between Kirana and Ariana. The K-5 and Norbit cheered when the Sarina Universe theme song logo. Sarina, Tanya, Kayla, Susan, and Lila are running on a narrow, straightforward platform aisle as Madame Eliza was riding inside her giant mech dragon. She began launching a string of neon green energy bullets in a straight line at the girls. After that, the Mech Dragon started firing two neon green lasers and moved them at the girls across the pathway. Lila formed a large shield of telekinetic energy in front of her and grabbed neon green energy bullets that entered the shield before throwing them back at the mech dragon with enough force. Susan channeled raw chaos energy into a large sphere and then fired it as an energy bolt at the mech dragon. Kayla jumped slightly into the air and then punched her fist into the ground to create powerful volcanic explosions that damaged the mech dragon within its radius. Tanya threw a batch of explosive orange energy tacks at the mech dragon. And Sarina jumped quickly to kick out with her leg and released a thin blue wave in its wake that hit the mech dragon. With the powerful attack combination, Eliza's Mech Dragon started falling on the ground and rolled on the ground with massive damage. Sarina and her friends cheered their victory with high-fives.

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