Buried Secrets

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On a bright sunny morning, the K-5, Norbit, and their cousins San and Mūn were up and ready to help Coral cleaning the entire house when she has assigned her daughters, robot friend, nephew, and nieces on each part of the job. Kirana and Mūn got the window cleaner, Camilla and Talia got the dusters, Ezra and Norbit got the vacuum, and Ariana and San got the mop. And Coral got the broom. The entire family got ready for their ultimate challenge yet.

"Everyone ready?" Coral asked determinedly.

"We were born ready." Mūn said with a smirk.

"Let's do this." Camilla said firmly.

With that, the eight mages and robot took off to clean up the house. Camilla was doing some dusting at the fireplace while Talia was cleaning the chandelier, Ariana was mopping the floor upstairs while San was mopping the floor downstairs, Kirana and Mūn were washing the windows, Ezra was polishing the bathroom while Norbit was cleaning the walls, and Coral was using the broom on upstairs and downstairs. After a few seconds, the house was sparkling clean in Olympic style. Then, Ariana retrieved a text message from April from her purple crystalline cell phone.

"Hey, guys. I've got a message from April." Ariana informed. "It's urgent."

"You six can go." Coral said calmly. "But back for dinner."

"We will." Kirana smiled before facing her younger siblings and robot friend with a serious look. "Let's go."

Ariana pressed a white clover button from her cell phone and the siblings and Norbit were instantly teleported to the farmhouse.


Just as the K-5 and Norbit had arrived their destination, they discovered a hidden open trap door that led to the basement.

"Whoa, check it out!" Ariana gasped, pointing her finger at the floor.

"A trap door?" Camilla said confusingly.

"I didn't know they had a basement." Ezra said.

"I detect the Turtles, April, Casey, and Macey are downstairs." Norbit said after scanning the area below.

"What do you suppose is down there?" Kirana asked.

"Maybe an evil zombie." Talia replied, jumping back behind Camilla in alarm. "Definitely an evil zombie."

"Only one way to find out." Camilla said.

"Uh, who's going first?" Ariana asked.

"Not it!" Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit screamed.

Kirana groaned and walked down the creaky staircase with her siblings and robot friend following behind her. Camilla shined her electrical fist and Ezra shined his light hand all around the room as the siblings and robot explored the dark depths of the basement and found a Kraang Scout Ship buried right under the farmhouse! They froze in place as they summoned their elemental powers.

"Whoa. It's impossible." Kirana gasped sharply. "It can't be."

"It's a Kraang stealth ship!" Talia whispered. "And it's open."

"But how did the Kraang find our friends?" Ezra asked.

Norbit quickly scanned the ship to detect any danger, but found nothing.

"The Kraang is not here." Norbit said.

"But it appears that this ship has been buried here for years." Ariana said, taking a closer look to observe the ship. "What the heck is a Kraang ship doing under this house?"

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