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The K-5 sped through the streets on the Turbo Karts as they chased after two Kraang droids inside a black helicopter in an attempt to get back the power cell. But the helicopter was too flying fast, which made Kirana and Camilla to pull a lever on either side of them to make the kart splitting up into five separate cars. They managed to move out of the way of the cars and people in the roads before finally coming together again and continuing their speedy travel down the road. Unfortunately, they took the right turn that leads to a dead end. Kirana slammed on the brakes and twisted the wheel, causing the karts to spin out of control. Her younger siblings shouted in terror once the karts almost crashed to the building wall in the alley. But the helicopter carrying the Kraang with the power cell kept flying away for their escape.

"Oh man, they got away with the power cell." Ariana groaned, taking out her K-Phone from her waist belt. "Now, I gotta expand the K-Phone's tracking system to find them now."

"That means more work. Hooray." Ezra groaned.

"Then, we gotta see Mala." Kirana said.

"What? Mala?" Ariana asked nervously. "Kirana, please tell me we're not also going to see her?"

"Yes." Kirana replied with a firm face. "Besides, she's the one who took the power cell from the Kraang before, so she might know exactly where she found it in the first place."

"And she's also the one who likes to grab my neck and slam me like a plush toy." Ariana whined.

Talia and Ezra laughed but stopped when Ariana glared at them.

"Oh yeah, that was too hilarious to watch." Talia said with a laugh.

Ariana turned to face Talia with a death glare as her eyes turned pure white, forming ten giant fists made out of earth from the ground.

"On second thought, ever mind." Talia grinned nervously. "Let's go!"

Talia quickly zoomed over to her older sisters for safety as Ariana watched her younger sister in fear. Ezra grabbed Ariana's hand and pulled her to the karts with him.

"Alright, Poison Ivy. Let's move." Ezra said.


Meanwhile, the K-5 found the napping Mala in the main room inside the same abandoned building they found her battling the Kraang.

"Well, there she is." Ezra whispered, pointing his finger to the sleeping mutant fox.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Talia asked slowly.

"Waking her up obviously." Kirana replied.

"But who's gonna wake her?" Ariana asked nervously.

"Not it!" Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra spoke at the same time as they darted away.

That left Talia alone and she realized that she has to be the one to wake her up. As she rolled her eyes with a sigh, Talia silently tiptoed to the mutant fox and began poking Mala's head with her index finger. Mala's eyes opened without a sign of a vindictiveness and she stood to her full height in front of Talia.

"Talia?" Mala said with a yawn. She began stretching her limbs and looked around the room at the other four mages, who were walking towards her without any fear. "It's nice to see my friends again. I was just having the most wonderful nap ever."

"Well, that I'm happy because you didn't grabbed me by the neck." Ariana said. "I mean, come on. What's wrong with me and my neck?"

"Do you really want us to answer that question?" Camilla questioned with a smirk.

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