Follow the Ice

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In the city alleyway, the K-5 and Norbit began searching the city for the missing mutagen canisters. But unfortunately, Ariana's newly created Ooze Compact has been keeping a slow process during the search.

"Ariana, did you find any canister yet?" Camilla asked. "I'm getting bored by the second."

"I've got a reading! The DNA container is up a tall roof." Ariana reported, adjusting her purple compact tracker with wide eyes.

The team swiftly climbed the building to the roof and eventually found the DNA container next to the billboard.

"Here is the container." Norbit said.

"Found it!" Talia cheered as she picked up the mutagen canister in her hands.

"We only have about sixty-three containers left." Ariana reminded.

"Do we have to find all of the mutagen containers?" Camilla asked in frustration.

"Yeah, this is no fun at all." Talia complained.

"I hate to admit it, but it is kinda boring." Ezra said.

"Look, we have to find them before the Shadow Clan and the Kraang gets them first." Kirana said. She put on a smile on her face and pointed her finger at the archway designed in a beautiful Chinese architecture. "And besides, we should play a fun game near a Chinese-looking building. How about a little Power Play?"

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra nodded their heads in agreement and excitement since they haven't been able to do Power Play since they were little kids. The only thing that they don't notice is that they were being watched by Kuro, who was spying on them with her binoculars from the other side of the rooftop.

"So they're going after the mutagen containers as well." Kuro thought with a sly grin. "It's going to be more fun to fight them all over again."


After the mages and robot arrived at the exact location, they looked down at the empty streets and looked up at the full moon. Kirana walked her feet across the wire to defend her territory with great balance. But without knowing, her four younger siblings were secretly talking about their mischievous plan. Then, Kirana stood between the wires as she was ready to fight her siblings when she summoned a stream of water in her hands.

"I'm going to defend my domain, ok? Now, the only way you can get pass me is to use traditional elemental fighting. Got it?" Kirana explained.

"Whatever you say, Kirana." Camilla said. "Let's just go this."

Ezra went up first to start the training and Kirana grinned with her powers out and ready, but instead Ezra summoned a lightning bolt to make him float above the ground.

"Ezra, use your feet." Kirana told her brother.

Kirana charged but Ezra jumped off the bolt and landed on the other side.

"I'm a king." Ezra smirked.

Talia was next and Kirana got ready to fight, but Talia took out her earphones and puts them on her ears as the music begins to play and she started to dance on the wire.

"Talia, what are you doing?" Kirana asked.

Talia ignored her oldest sister as she was in the zone of the music. Kirana charged forward to attack, but Talia used her amazing dance moves as her fighting style and jumped over Kirana to land safely onto the other side with Ezra.

"Hey! That's not fair! That's not a real fight!" Kirana complained.

Kirana turned around got into her stance with a confident smirk as Ariana was the third to step up to fight. Ariana's mathematical skills were determining her mindset to win when she brought out six shuriken made of earth. She threw the six shuriken that hit different corners at different angles around Kirana, forcing her to dodge and block to the point of exhaustion. Kirana then looked over to see that Ariana had made quickly to the other side as the purple mage kunoichi and the orange mage kunoichi high fived each other with their arm around each other while the teal mage ninja looked at the last remaining sibling.

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