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The destroyed remains of the warehouse sat in the sand until Gáta jumped out of the ground. She turned around to see a bright orange telekinetic orb to reveal Marina, Talia, Ariana, Ezra, Diana, and Pink Hallow are alive. Marina rose the telekinetic orb from the ground and levitated it in front of Gáta.

"Marina, thanks for the save." Talia smiled at her adoptive daughter.

Marina released the telekinetic orb with a swipe of her hands and everyone landed on their feet to the ground. Talia heard a weak hiss and gasped to see a slightly cracked Pink Hallow next to her foot as she quickly pulled out a cooler from the ground and placed him inside.

"Thank goodness we're alive." Talia said to Ariana. "But what the heck just happened?"

"Oh no, Camilla and the twins!" Ariana gasped in realization.

Diana adjusted her eyes into radar to scan the area.

"They're out there in that direction." Diana said as she pointed her finger in front of herself.


At the Grimm Palanquin, three Scale Tail guards dragged Camilla, Regina, and Renee to an arena. Artemis, Cressida, and Athena were sitting in their hovering seats as the entire Gōsutodēmons roared at the trio's arrival. One Scale Tail guard threw Camilla into the middle of the battlefield as the other two set the twins on a small floating platform as Athena threw a metallic blue globe with three smaller balls attached to its underside that projected a force field to imprison Regina and Renee within it.

Just as the Scale Tail guards walked out of the arena, Aphrodite entered the battlefield.

"My dear sisters! This mage warrior may have defeated you in ultimate combat." Aphrodite announced. "But now she will battle the leader: Me!"

"Hit her hard! Tear that mage to pieces!" Artemis shouted with a sadistic smile.

"Oh, trust me. I'm so going to enjoy this." Camilla said with narrow eyes as she cracked her knuckles in preparation.

Aphrodite charged forward to attack Camilla with her glowing dark green hands, but Camilla drew her magic and flew spinning towards Aphrodite while punching her multiple times before sending her flying to the ground with a red energized punch. Aphrodite enveloped her hands with her magic and surrounded herself with dark green energy to spiral through the air towards Camilla in a rapid torpedo fashion. Aphrodite and Camilla kept lightning speed blows, but Aphrodite then levitated slightly and drove her left fist straight into Camilla's stomach to release a large dark green energy explosion.

"Camilla!" Regina and Renee gasped in horror.


Meanwhile, Gáta had finally reached the Palanquin as Ariana drove the Sonicruiser behind her.

"Alright, here we are. The Grimm Palanquin." Talia said.

"Wait, what's that?" Marina asked, pointing her finger at the view screen.

Talia, Ezra, Ariana, and Diana looked at the screen to see a converted subway car heading in their direction from behind.

"Looks like the Shellraiser." Talia said.

"That's because it is the Shellraiser!" Ariana exclaimed.

"Wait what?!" Ezra said.

Ariana, Talia, Ezra, Diana, and Marina quickly ran out of the Sonicruiser. They saw a strange elderly mutant turtle sitting on the large alien turtle creature, a beautiful elderly mutant turtle stepping out of a Jeep, and a robotic turtle exiting out of the Shellraiser. Three mages and three humanoid turtles both became suddenly stunned as they stood speechless at each other.

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