K-5: Loud House (Part 1)

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(Extra #1)

On a regular day in a friendly neighborhood, two best friends were playing a video game in the living room. One of them was a human girl with medium white hair, freckles, blue eyes, and pink lips. She was also wearing an orange shirt, a blue skirt that reached her knees, and blue flip flops. Another girl was an African American girl with short black hair, brown eyes with black glasses, and tan lips. She was also wearing a long sleeved yellow and white stripped shirt, a blue jean overall, and black slip on shoes.

"I'm so ready for this new game coming in." The black haired girl said. "What about you, Linka?"

"Totally, Claire." The white haired girl known as Linka replied. "As long as this is the best free time of my life."

Linka's younger brother, Levi Loud, walked in with a technicality advanced watch. Levi had fair skin with brown hair and black glasses. He also wore a white lab coat over a green sweater, dark pink pants, and brown shoes.

"Hello, sister." Levi greeted. "I have an invention to demonstrate that I believe you will find interesting."

"And how is this invention supposed to surprise me, Levi?" Linka asked.

"As how I modified it." Levi said as he showed his sister the watch. "This is a dimension traveler watch. It will allow you to travel to other worlds."

"Whoa!" Claire gasped. "How does it work?! Show me!"

Levi pressed a green button on the watch and it opened a green portal, that made Linka and Claire widen their eyes in surprise.

"Wow!" Linka gasped. "Wait, are there any side effects on these things?"

"Not in my calculations." Levi simply replied. "Just walk in with this on and use it to teleport back in this dimension."

Linka grabbed the watch to put on her wrist and stepped in front of the portal, before looking back at Claire and Levi.

"Good luck, Linka." Claire said.

"I'll be back in a second." Linka smiled.

She jumped in the portal before it closed up.


Meanwhile in Ezra's bedroom, the teal mage ninja was creating a newly developed watch that could create all kinds of elemental powers.

"Almost finished." Ezra muttered. "There. The elemental watch. Just push the buttons and the four elements are in control."

Ezra opened the watch and saw four colored buttons that were blue, red, black, and grey. Blue was for water, red was for fire, black was for earth, and grey was for air. Ezra suddenly heard his stomach growling and set the elemental watch down.

"All that work made me hungry." Ezra sighed.

Ezra got up and left his room. Suddenly, the green portal opened up and Linka fell out of the portal before it closed up. The white haired girl got up and looked around. She also saw herself in a 3D figure.

"Nice room." Linka thought. "Except what is up with this 3D look?"

Linka stopped as she heard someone coming, that made her crawl under the bed before Ezra walked in and sat on his chair. Linka saw her watch at the corner at reached out to grab it, quickly. Ezra seemed to notice the hand and got up to sneak over to his bed with his watch in his hand. He looked underneath the bed and widen his eyes in shock as he saw Linka. He was about to scream, but Linka came over and quickly covered his mouth.

"Shh!" Linka whispered. "I'm just a visitor. I can explain if you be quiet, got it?"

Ezra nodded and Linka let go of his mouth.

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