Nano Attack!

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At the dojo, the K-5 were practicing Taidō as part of their training session with Sage watching them. Ariana, Talia, and Ezra were moving the way of the bodies very slightly, Camilla was moving the way of the body in quick accuracy, and Kirana was moving the way of the body slowly and gracefully.

"What's the matter?" Camilla said to Kirana. "Trying to learn a new move in slow motion?"

"At least, I could perfect my moves to become a better kunoichi unlike you." Kirana retorted calmly.

"Oh yeah? Try ignore this!" Camilla snapped.

Kirana and Camilla charged forward to attack each other with fast, swift kicks. Ariana, Talia, and Ezra stopped practicing and watched the fight between their older sisters.

"Oh brother." Talia sighed.

"They're at it again." Ariana said with a groan.

"They just never seem to stop." Ezra complained.

"Enough!" Sage shouted as she stepped forward between her older daughters.

Kirana and Camilla immediately stopped attacking each other and turned to face their mother.

"Competition is an excellent motivator for many ninjas and kunoichis, but not when it turns the two of you against each other." Sage said. "So right now, you will spar two on two and a solo."

"Okay." Kirana said as she placed her hands on her hips. "I take Ariana."

"You will take Camilla." Sage said firmly.

Kirana and Camilla shot each other a cautious glance. They are completely different girls: Kirana is more serious, mature, focused, and responsible while Camilla is more tough, sarcastic, mean, and cynical. Putting them together isn't a good idea.

"You two must focus on working together, not competing with each other." Sage continued. "Ezra will be a solo fighter."

Ezra widened his eyes. He has never been a solo fighter before because his sisters were always with him.

"Ezra needs practice on his magic skills." Sage said simply.

"So, let me get this straight. You want me and Camilla to go up against Talia and Ariana?" Kirana giggled slightly. "I don't find that fair."

Ariana and Talia looked offended by Kirana's words.

"Uh, excuse me. What's that supposed to mean?" Ariana snapped with narrowed eyes.

"Well, it's really simple. We're way better fighters than you two combined." Camilla responded with a grin.

"As if." Talia scoffed.

"Let's put that to the test." Camilla grinned.

"But it's unfair to Ezra." Talia said.

Ezra immediately widened his eyes and glared at his sisters.

"What are you trying to say?" Ezra questioned, a bit anger.

"Well, Ezra, no offense but you're a kid." Kirana explained.

"Don't take it the wrong way. You're just a boy." Talia said.

"Oh? Fine." Ezra said with a glare.

Ariana looked furious and Talia glared at her two older sisters as they both have accepted the challenge while Ezra just glared at his four older sisters. The siblings faced each other into offensive stances as Kirana and Camilla looked confident while Ariana and Talia looked more determined than ever. However, Ezra kept his preparation on track.

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