Mage Temper

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Under the dark night in the sky over the city, the K-5 stood on the rooftop of the building and looked out over the laboratory building to catch the Kraang as Ariana was peering through a telescope.

"Anything, Ariana?" Kirana asked.

"Not yet." Ariana replied.

Ezra was watching with Kirana and Ariana. Camilla was sitting on the ground with her eyes closed while leaning against the rooftop skylight with her arms folded over her chest. Talia was repeatedly poking her older sister on every limb in amusement, but Camilla finally grabbed Talia's finger and pounced on her in a head lock as Talia was yelping in pain.

"Guys, zip it!" Ezra hissed, turning to glare at his two older sisters. "We ninjas are on surveillance, so we're supposed to be silent!"

"We will until Talia says it!" Camilla said threateningly at Talia.

"Camilla is all wise and powerful!" Talia said as she rolled her eyes.

"And?" Camilla asked slyly.

"And she's better than me in every step of the way!" Talia added as she was gasping for air.

"And?" Camilla smiled, holding her younger sister down tightly.

"And I'm a lonely worm who isn't fit to live on the same planet as her because she's so amazing and I'm a dirtbag!" Talia continued.

"And?" Camilla grinned as she held her hard fire fist over Talia's head.

"And in the history of the universe there's never been..." Talia said quickly with a fright look on her face.

"Ok, that's enough!" Kirana snapped.

Camilla got off of Talia and walked towards Kirana with her bored look on her face.

"Look, we're wasting our time here." Camilla said. "It's obvious that the Kraang aren't going to show up."

"We just have to be patient." Ezra said.

"Trust me, guys." Ariana grinned confidently. "The Kraang are gonna break into that lab tonight because I have reliable Intel."

"Oh really? Intel?" Camilla smirked. "Because Casey told you."

Ariana looked a little bit embarrassed at Camilla's words.

"AKA her boyfriend." Talia smiled teasingly.

Ariana then glared at Talia with a sidelong look. Ariana formed a crush on Casey from the moment she saw him, but now her siblings are too aware about it for a tease.

"He's not my boyfriend, Talia!" Ariana snapped at Talia. She wasn't paying attention to Kirana and Camilla, who were exchanging grins with each other. Ezra just rolled his eyes in annoyance. "He's a boy who's a friend that got kidnapped by the same alien freaks who are gonna break in that lab and we're gonna stop them!"

"Or we could camp here in the cold for no reason at all." Camilla said sarcastically.

"What's going on up here?"

The K-5 stood around in shock when a teenage boy was coming out of the rooftop door. They recognized the boy from Roosevelt High. His name is Tony Hunnam. He was the school bully and captain jock of the football team who was known for always picking up fights with Camilla, who always wins them any time they make contact.

"Kirana! Ariana! Ezra! Camilla! Talia!" Tony sneered. "Are you guys in some kind of costumes? Halloween is here for the next few months!"

"No, Tony." Kirana said calmly. "We're just..."

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