Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)

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In New York City, there are several huge buildings and apartments with dark, empty streets that over thirty million human beings were living, working, and walking on their own business and life. The city maybe entertaining and busy, but it also has a much darker side that involved serious crimes for the cops to react.

Above the city was a cloaking metallic grey futuristic airship with several glowing white zigzag lines flying high across the sky as it parked itself above the bright illuminating city. It was called the Crete Fortress. Inside the airship was furnished with a kitchen, living room, individual bedrooms, lab workshop, dojo, and meditation room.

In the dojo, the whole place was completely done in an ancient Japanese decor. It has a large healthy crystalline tree in the center of the bamboo floor and a bedroom located on the other side of the tree. Four teenage girls sat on the floor in their mediated position as they are prepared to start their training in their mage training outfits: the oldest sister wore a blue skintight leotard with emerald green striped cuffs and a dark blue hood; the second oldest sister wore a red skintight leotard with dark green striped cuffs and a dark red hood; the second youngest sister wore a purple skintight leotard with brownish green striped cuffs and a dark purple hood; the youngest sister wore an orange skintight leotard with light green striped cuffs and a dark orange hood. It was the oldest sister Kirana against the youngest sister Talia and the second oldest sister Camilla against the second youngest sister Ariana.

The girls faced each other. Kirana and Talia jumped to their feet and both summoning out their elemental power. Talia narrowed her eyes as she put her hands above her head, already summoning the wind around her. Kirana gritted her teeth and put her hands in front of her while streams of water were surrounding her. Kirana made the first move and darted forward with a yell.

"Oh, yeah!" Talia yelled, charging towards her oldest sister and delivered a blast of wind at Kirana. "Talia is on the move!"

Kirana raised up a water shield in front of herself and successfully stopped the wind blast. She then created four arrows of water and fired them at Talia, who quickly smiled and jumped in the air to dodge the water arrows as she spun herself so fast to create a strong tornado. Kirana darted forward and released a swing of water-shaped blades as quick as lightning, which Talia immediately threw out a large ball of wind to freeze the attack. Talia started to run around the dojo in order to confuse Kirana.

"Too slow! Denied!" Talia smiled cockily with a confidence smirk on her face as she continued to dodge Kirana's water-shaped blades and held her hands engulfed with air energy as an offense shield. "How could you fight your opponent who is quick on their feet?"

Without saying a word, Kirana stood still just the right time to concentrate and predict her youngest sister's strategy. If she can just hit Talia at the very point, she'll beat her. With a smirk, the thin air created a puddle of water and engulfed itself onto Kirana's legs like armor. Talia ran forward to attack with a wind blast. At the last moment, just when Talia was going to reach her, Kirana swiftly ran up to raise her left knee into Talia's stomach, making her youngest sister falling to the ground in pain.

"Like that?" Kirana answered calmly at her downed sister.

"Good move, Kirana." Talia wheezed as she held a thumb-up.

Ariana was surrounded by the green petals that looked like snakes that are ready to obey every command the purple mage kunoichi would gave them as she stared threateningly at Camilla's face. Camilla, on the other hand, just watched her sister with a bored look on her and now she tilted her head from side to side to crack her neck. She hadn't powered up her flames yet, which was unusual for her.

"Alright, Ariana." Camilla said. "Just stand down and no one gets hurt."

"Come on!" Ariana replied as she rolled her eyes. "You always say that and the next thing you know, you HURT me and my plants!"

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