New Friend, Old Enemy

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In a dark room, a mysterious female Asian mage kunoichi was sitting on the floor in some form of meditation. She was a tall and slender woman with flawless skin, long black hair set in a traditional Japanese princess hairstyle, and green eyes. She wore a dark red Chinese sleeveless qipao dress with a slit on the left side that is high to the waist, black rose lace tights, and dark red ankle-strap combat boots. Her face was completely covered by a black metallic mask made of steel.

Suddenly, three Shadow Clan ninjas quietly appeared out of the shadows and walked slowly toward the meditating ninja. With her amazing mystical martial arts skills, the masked kunoichi defeated all three of them easily. Then, a female Korean mage kunoichi appeared behind the masked mage kunoichi. She was a very slim figure with fair skin, short hair with black on the left side and grey on the right, and blue eyes. She wore a black sleeveless jumpsuit with dark grey leather attachments and a zipper going down from the neck to the stomach, long dark grey gloves with black elbow and hand protectors, and a pair of black combat boots.

But unfortunately, she wasn't alone. The sound of sliding doors alerted the masked mage kunoichi and immediately knelt down with respect when a familiar person entered the room.

"Lady Shade." The masked mage kunoichi greeted.

"I'm surprise that you're using your time very wisely." Lady Shade said.

"Yes, mistress. I've already assembled an army of mage ninjas and kunoichis from around the world." The masked mage kunoichi stated. "The Shadow Clan are now at your command."

"Excellent." Lady Shade said. "Because I've also discovered that my old enemy is here in New York. Shiroibara Sage."

"Shiroibara Sage is alive?" The masked mage kunoichi questioned in surprise.

"And she's training her own children as ninjas as well. I want all of them destroyed." Lady Shade ordered.

"I won't let you down, mistress." The masked mage kunoichi vowed with a nod.

"I know." Lady Shade informed. "Because you will work together with Sapphire."

"I don't need any help." The masked mage kunoichi refused as she stood up and glared hard at Sapphire. "Especially from this crazed woman."

"Are you sure, princess?" Sapphire asked tauntingly. "I doubt you'll be needing a lot of help."

"Enough of your pathetic rivalry." Lady Shade said firmly. "Sapphire has experienced with the dark side of the city ever since I've recruited her. You two will work together."

"Don't worry, Lady Shade. We'll find them and wiped them out." The masked mage kunoichi said with a nod.


Meanwhile, the K-5 raced each other across the rooftops for fun while performing various flips as they jumped from one building to another to pull off the best tricks.

"Hey, guys! Check this move out!" Ariana yelled.

Ariana ran past Kirana to jump off the roof with a swift flip and landed on the rooftop of the next building to slid around to face her sisters. Talia smiled as she flipped high in the air and breakdanced onto the building that her older sister was standing on. Ariana applauded to her youngest sister's stunning performance politely.

"Oh yeah, baby!" Talia cheered. "I'm on the roll!"

Ezra smirked as he flipped five times in the air and landed perfectly on the rooftop with his two older sisters. Ariana and Talia applaud for their younger brother.

Kirana and Camilla skidded to a stop at the end of building as they stared at the space between two buildings.

"Top that, ladies!" Ezra said with a grin, making Talia chuckle.

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